Sand Storm
Last night was the worst I have seen it in a long time. We had wind gusts up to 50 mph and when you live in this dry state, nothing but fine sand blows. I had to DRIVE IN IT! I was praying when I got to the end of my street...I was sitting there and could feel the van shaking! Shaking! The wind was pushing me as I sat there and I was just rocking! IT WAS THE SCARIEST THING! I thought that was the worst of it, but oh no...Little did I know what was going to happen in the next 10 minutes. So, I started praying and went about my way to work. I got to this one long rode and the visibility was about 5 feet...I could barley see the working truck that was in front of me. You couldn't see anything!!! Now imagine this while your driving. You can't just stop in the road, because there are people behind you. There's no where to pull off on that road, anyway. I was so scared. I just prayed out loud the entire time and I kept saying, "oh my god!" over and over. I put my hazard lights on thinking someone behind me might see that and not rear-end me. I was going like 22 mph on a 45mph road. The truck in front of me saw that I had my lights on and he put his on, too. I was thankful for that, because if he hadn't I wouldn't had been able to see him at all! It worked and we finally got through it. All you saw was sand everywhere. I must have ran over 100 or more tumble weeds. Things were being slammed into the van. I ran over some kind of board that was pushed under the van (no warning, no nothing!) It was awful. The temperature dropped to 30 degrees. I called Charles at work for some extra support. He also wanted me to call him when I got there (I usually do!), but it was the worst thing, ever. People at work didn't even know what was going on. They're stuck inside a building. Three girls were walking out to take their break outside. Security sat there and mumbled as I walked in, "I wouldn't go out there if I had break!" and as I passed I said, "you and me both!" It was just absolutely awful! I don't like driving in the first place. I don't enjoy it! I actually hate it and to drive in something like that...I just never want to have to do that again. It was like out of Hollywood or something. Trees were reported uprooted all over, branches and debris in the road, lines were down and people lost there power...Just awful! I want to move back to NY! :-P~
Winds are blowing again today...but only like 20mph, now.
Posted by
Hillary |
5/10/2006 11:58:00 AM
Yep, I did it!
Posted by
Hillary |
5/11/2006 10:36:00 AM