Successful Second Day
We dropped my little one off at school today and it wasn't nearly as hard as yesterday, which was his first day (see first day of school in prev. posts). He did great! He's a little trooper. That's my boy!
My daughter and I, have had a lot more one on one time. She doesn't talk much, but she's been talking more. Usually Brevy takes the floor when he's home and she's used to that. Although she gets heard when needed. It's been fun painting our nails together and playing outside. We've been taking Lillian on walks in the backyard and she's enjoying it. I folded a million clothes and Bones helped me put everything away. She hung clothes for me and was a big help in my room, which was a mess.
I got my new replacement phone today. You'll never guess what I did to mess up the one I had. I left it on the back of the mini van while playing in the front yard with the kids. Charles, always calls me and I thought I'd hear it sitting there if it rang. I forgot and left it there. We drove down the street to get pizza and came back home not knowing a thing(this was a couple of days ago). I needed to run off to work that evening and I couldn't find my phone (not an unusual thing). So, we're calling it with the house phone, no answer. I look upstairs, down stairs, everywhere and nothing. I said, "oh well I have to go to work or I'm going to be late." Charles, gives me his phone and I take off. I get to the stop light and look in the middle of the road and guess what's there? My phone! Splattered everywhere in pieces. Ugh. That was a dumb thing to do. I could have kicked myself in the butt. I stopped and managed to get most of it out of the road. Ugh. Charles, called because the phone company and took care of it. We have insurance on both cell phones. I still had to pay a $50.00 deductible. I got it today though and it's nice, silver, and new. :) It's charging and then I'm going to activate it soon. It came with all this other stuff I didn't have for my other one. :) No more dumb ideas about leaving it on the back of the car, just so I don't miss my hubby's call. It's HIS fault. LOL. Just kidding, Babe. Don't get all crazy on me now.
Anyway, day is going by nice and slow, which is good. Today, is my day off and I'm okay with relaxing.
Yesterday, I miserable because of my allergies. You should have seen my eye. It was red and there was this little bump on the white part. It was gross and it felt gross every time I blinked. Allergy bumps. I was rubbing my eye the night before and I woke up yesterday with it. It made me feel awful all day yesterday. On top of that I was crying on the way home for Brevy. What a day. We had our first day of Awana, too. The kids loved it. Charles, is helping out by playing the games with the kids. He's really excited and the kids had a blast. I have nothing to do there, because I only stay about 25 minutes, because I leave from church and go to work. I wish I could stay with the cubbies group (Bones' group) and help out in the classroom. She was participating and it was cute to see her listen to another adult. I've never seen her in full action so it was cool. Brevy, gets out late today and I'm going to go rest while I can. Did I mention that I sneeze every 5 minutes or so? Yep! It's from all the rain we've gotten (and I'm not complaining about the rain) -just my allergies. It's interesting at work, that's for sure; muting the phone while sneezing is hard when in full conversation with the client. LOL.
Have a good day, more tomorrow.
My daughter and I, have had a lot more one on one time. She doesn't talk much, but she's been talking more. Usually Brevy takes the floor when he's home and she's used to that. Although she gets heard when needed. It's been fun painting our nails together and playing outside. We've been taking Lillian on walks in the backyard and she's enjoying it. I folded a million clothes and Bones helped me put everything away. She hung clothes for me and was a big help in my room, which was a mess.
I got my new replacement phone today. You'll never guess what I did to mess up the one I had. I left it on the back of the mini van while playing in the front yard with the kids. Charles, always calls me and I thought I'd hear it sitting there if it rang. I forgot and left it there. We drove down the street to get pizza and came back home not knowing a thing(this was a couple of days ago). I needed to run off to work that evening and I couldn't find my phone (not an unusual thing). So, we're calling it with the house phone, no answer. I look upstairs, down stairs, everywhere and nothing. I said, "oh well I have to go to work or I'm going to be late." Charles, gives me his phone and I take off. I get to the stop light and look in the middle of the road and guess what's there? My phone! Splattered everywhere in pieces. Ugh. That was a dumb thing to do. I could have kicked myself in the butt. I stopped and managed to get most of it out of the road. Ugh. Charles, called because the phone company and took care of it. We have insurance on both cell phones. I still had to pay a $50.00 deductible. I got it today though and it's nice, silver, and new. :) It's charging and then I'm going to activate it soon. It came with all this other stuff I didn't have for my other one. :) No more dumb ideas about leaving it on the back of the car, just so I don't miss my hubby's call. It's HIS fault. LOL. Just kidding, Babe. Don't get all crazy on me now.
Anyway, day is going by nice and slow, which is good. Today, is my day off and I'm okay with relaxing.
Yesterday, I miserable because of my allergies. You should have seen my eye. It was red and there was this little bump on the white part. It was gross and it felt gross every time I blinked. Allergy bumps. I was rubbing my eye the night before and I woke up yesterday with it. It made me feel awful all day yesterday. On top of that I was crying on the way home for Brevy. What a day. We had our first day of Awana, too. The kids loved it. Charles, is helping out by playing the games with the kids. He's really excited and the kids had a blast. I have nothing to do there, because I only stay about 25 minutes, because I leave from church and go to work. I wish I could stay with the cubbies group (Bones' group) and help out in the classroom. She was participating and it was cute to see her listen to another adult. I've never seen her in full action so it was cool. Brevy, gets out late today and I'm going to go rest while I can. Did I mention that I sneeze every 5 minutes or so? Yep! It's from all the rain we've gotten (and I'm not complaining about the rain) -just my allergies. It's interesting at work, that's for sure; muting the phone while sneezing is hard when in full conversation with the client. LOL.
Have a good day, more tomorrow.
Yeah, right. If he was just like his daddy, he would have cried. hahahaha....Yep. That's right. lol.
Love you, Mama's
Posted by
Hillary |
8/21/2006 01:01:00 PM