
Can you honestly say you love what you do? Life is so short! We're only here for a little while and spend an eternity with our heavenly Father. Shouldn't we be loving what we're doing while we're here? Shouldn't we try to make a difference in someone's life? I wish I could sit here and say that I spend everyday like there's no tomorrow, but I don't. I wish I could live today like it was my last. To have the love and passion for something...I have that for my family and animals...but that's about it. After hearing about Steve Irwin's death (Crocodile Hunter) It really makes you think. I know people die every day, every minute. I know I didn't know him, but he was still a good man. He had such compassion and enthusiasm for conservation and the love of all animals. A father of two, a husband, and a friend to so many. It makes you stop and look at your life and just think. We spend so much time wasting time. (Yes, that's right!) So much time, wasting time being mad, bitter, and just plain ugly to and at other people. Why not spend that time smiling and picking up the phone to call someone you haven't spoken to in a long time, just to say "Hi!" Gosh, we're all guilty of wasting time doing pointless stuff. We should make the best of the time we have here on this Earth. I'm going to start and I hope you do, too.
Thanks. I've just been thinking alot these two last days and it's crazy how much time we all spend not doing the things we love. That's my commitment. :) I love you, too.
Posted by
Hillary |
9/05/2006 06:16:00 PM