There's no much to blog about...Where do I begin? I guess the latest news I have is my husband is on the East Coast right now while I'm stuck here in NM. :-P Not ever nice, because I'm from there and would love the chance to go back home (to NY). He's in Washington D.C. He's also getting the opportunity to drive three hours to see Marisa in Virginia Beach! They're doing dinner and hanging out today, which is great. :) It's cold here in NM. The highs are in the 60's, cool breezes, and overcast. It reminds me of NY so I love it. I'm running around with fleece jackets and jeans, drinking cappuccino in the mornings. It's nice! I've been off work all week, because this was my vacation time to be in NY, but the funding didn't work out. It never does, yet I try to be humble and tell myself when it's the right time I will be able to go back home. It's working so far.
I went to the shelter yesterday, because yesterday was the seventh day since "Toby" would be there. By law you can't adopt a cat until they've been in the animal control for seven days. Bones and I, were anxious. We walked in and said we were here to adopt no. 876 who's on reserve for us. The lady checked the system and said, "Well, he's not on reserve in the PC, and they're supposed to reserve it on the PC as well as the cage." I said, "Oh no! I knew I should have called to make sure they reserved him. Is he still here?" She assured us he was and I was so thankful and happy. We did all the paper work and they "pulled" him and a little dog to get their micro chips injected. We went to see "Toby" after all was taken care of. There's a big huge sign that says, "PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE ANIMALS!" I thought to myself, "I just paid a lot of money for this kitten and I will touch and play with him, thank you very much!" Ha! A little rebellious I suppose, but it's true! I did pay for him and on his cage it said, "adopted!" So, he's MINE! There fore Bones and I, did play with him. There was a lady cleaning out cages and asked when we'd be picking him up. She was happy for us. I told her on Tuesday after 12pm. He's such a sweet heart. He's hyper and loves to bite. (Oh no, what did I do?) Goodness! He was climbing up the cage and bumping his poor little head on the top of the cage. Mind you, this was all after just getting a shot between the shoulders. The lady said he'd be sore for a while. He sure didn't show it though. Charles, was excited to hear that he's hyper. He wants to play with him just as badly as we do. He gets his operation done on Monday (getting "fixed"). I was out shopping for something soft for him to lay on. I thought to myself...'Gosh, I'm spoiling him already and I don't even have him home yet.' We did however pick him up a little green collar to wear. He'll look so handsome. (If ya can't tell I'm a cat person). LOL!
Hmm...What else is new? Brevy, is doing well in school. Spells his name, reads easy books, and is learning his 123's. I'm so proud of him. The only thing is they've only been in school a month and already he's been to the nurses office twice. TWICE! He knocked his front tooth on someone's head the other day. The nurse couldn't get it to stop bleeding (it was a slow bleed), so she called me and I picked him up. He's always hurting his teeth. When he was a baby he almost knocked this front teeth out on his crib while playing in his room. He's the roughest kid, ever! Maybe because he's a boy, but he's tough. He never cry's and is always upbeat when he's hurting. He must get that from his mom. LOL. He's okay though and back to running around. He completes his homework early almost every week. Just so proud of him! Oh, one more incident was this morning as he was closing the van door he almost got his ear/head stuck it in. This kid! His ear was red, but no blood. I was so upset I think I yelled at him before I even asked if he was okay. *shakes head* I'm just not ready for all the injuries that wait ahead. You parents, know what I mean. We did put ice on it and he did say he was okay. :-P~ Ugh!
Other than that we're all fine. I just can't wait until Charles returns. I miss him so much. It's hard at night when he's usually home. The house is so empty with out him. Especially, when the kids are sleeping and it's just me and Lillian. At least I have Lillian! I think I did good updating. Will do more soon. Lots of pictures to post. Stay tuned! :-)
I went to the shelter yesterday, because yesterday was the seventh day since "Toby" would be there. By law you can't adopt a cat until they've been in the animal control for seven days. Bones and I, were anxious. We walked in and said we were here to adopt no. 876 who's on reserve for us. The lady checked the system and said, "Well, he's not on reserve in the PC, and they're supposed to reserve it on the PC as well as the cage." I said, "Oh no! I knew I should have called to make sure they reserved him. Is he still here?" She assured us he was and I was so thankful and happy. We did all the paper work and they "pulled" him and a little dog to get their micro chips injected. We went to see "Toby" after all was taken care of. There's a big huge sign that says, "PLEASE DO NOT TOUCH THE ANIMALS!" I thought to myself, "I just paid a lot of money for this kitten and I will touch and play with him, thank you very much!" Ha! A little rebellious I suppose, but it's true! I did pay for him and on his cage it said, "adopted!" So, he's MINE! There fore Bones and I, did play with him. There was a lady cleaning out cages and asked when we'd be picking him up. She was happy for us. I told her on Tuesday after 12pm. He's such a sweet heart. He's hyper and loves to bite. (Oh no, what did I do?) Goodness! He was climbing up the cage and bumping his poor little head on the top of the cage. Mind you, this was all after just getting a shot between the shoulders. The lady said he'd be sore for a while. He sure didn't show it though. Charles, was excited to hear that he's hyper. He wants to play with him just as badly as we do. He gets his operation done on Monday (getting "fixed"). I was out shopping for something soft for him to lay on. I thought to myself...'Gosh, I'm spoiling him already and I don't even have him home yet.' We did however pick him up a little green collar to wear. He'll look so handsome. (If ya can't tell I'm a cat person). LOL!
Hmm...What else is new? Brevy, is doing well in school. Spells his name, reads easy books, and is learning his 123's. I'm so proud of him. The only thing is they've only been in school a month and already he's been to the nurses office twice. TWICE! He knocked his front tooth on someone's head the other day. The nurse couldn't get it to stop bleeding (it was a slow bleed), so she called me and I picked him up. He's always hurting his teeth. When he was a baby he almost knocked this front teeth out on his crib while playing in his room. He's the roughest kid, ever! Maybe because he's a boy, but he's tough. He never cry's and is always upbeat when he's hurting. He must get that from his mom. LOL. He's okay though and back to running around. He completes his homework early almost every week. Just so proud of him! Oh, one more incident was this morning as he was closing the van door he almost got his ear/head stuck it in. This kid! His ear was red, but no blood. I was so upset I think I yelled at him before I even asked if he was okay. *shakes head* I'm just not ready for all the injuries that wait ahead. You parents, know what I mean. We did put ice on it and he did say he was okay. :-P~ Ugh!
Other than that we're all fine. I just can't wait until Charles returns. I miss him so much. It's hard at night when he's usually home. The house is so empty with out him. Especially, when the kids are sleeping and it's just me and Lillian. At least I have Lillian! I think I did good updating. Will do more soon. Lots of pictures to post. Stay tuned! :-)
If you can get the new cat to stop biting let me know! Milo is a biter. He's not as bad as he used to be, but he still nips when he's cuddling - maybe it's a comfort thing for him.
Posted by
J |
9/27/2006 08:57:00 AM
lol- a whole month ago. wow. I dunno how I did it. There's the babylon mentalily again....lol.
Posted by
Hillary |
10/19/2006 02:18:00 PM