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Monday, October 23, 2006 

Small Update:

It's been awhile since I actually posted something on here. Sorry. There's always way too much going on to actually sit and reflect. Here's some creepy news: I was told recently that my ex wanted to get in touch with me. It made me nervous and unsure. I guess you would have to know my past history in order to understand that one. There's not enough time in the day to go there, but let's put it this way it wasn't a good relationship. So, having said that...I of course told Charles. He's my best friend and I can tell him anything. So, after that whole day of feeling uneasy a thought came to mind. 'Maybe it was God's doing. Maybe I could help him.' Hmmm...I didn't think of it as such a scary thing after that thought hit me. Needless to say since then I have signed up for a myspace account and talked to his brother. He confirmed it for me and I also found all my friends from BURGH. Go figure. I really didn't want a myspace. To me, they are full of ads and all your info is out there for everyone to see. I dunno, but I gave in and started finding people on there. I even found Sheri last night. Yes, Sheri! Wow, still amazed. We were best friends way back in 5th grade, I do believe. lol. So far it's been a good thing. I miss everyone. I often think of them especially since I have no one here in NM. I typically don't relate to people my age, because all they do is drink and party. Not saying there's anything wrong with that...But I don't do that. So, there's not much in common there. Anyway, that's my internet life. Everything else is going well, too. We have a parent-teacher's conference to go to on Thursday morning. I'll get to find out how Brevy's really doing in school. lol. I know he's doing well. He's just a little guy. :) Mom and Dad, picked up a few things for the kids to send them. All of a sudden Brevy LOVES the NY Giants. Okay, where he gets this from, I have no idea. Even though I am a New Yorker, I have NEVER liked the Giants. Never interested me at all. I was always a Cowboy fan. So, he must get it from his Grandpa, is all I can tell ya. They're sending Brevy Giants stuff. Go figure. He couldn't be more excited. Brat! lol. Yesterday, was fun. Aiyana, actually came over. It's been weeks since I have seen her. She was sick and feeling gross this whole week. She did come over and spend the day with us. We decided to have our day themed, "Harvest Day". We made peanut butter cookies and candy apples. Yummy. I have some funny pictures of the kids eating the caramel apples. That was hilarious. Work is the same ole. Trying to bust my behind to stay on top. It goes against every single bone in my body. I define myself as 'the Babylonian distributor.' That's not a good thing. (Read Daniel, if you wanna know what I am talking about). I tell myself I need to find a new job, one that doesn't make me feel so awful. Everyone seems to love it there. I guess as I get older, that stuff (the clothes, shoes, designer crap) isn't important to me. The Ah, anyway, I don't wanna bore you. That's about it here. Small updates. Promise to keep it up! Have a great day and come back soon!

So were you a Jets fan? booooo!!! Since you didn't like the Giants...you ARE from NY! :)

I'm not a Packer fan. That can almost get you killed out here. Seriously. (Well, maybe not killed, but lots of folks won't like you!) Apparently they closed school for a day when they won the superbowl.

I broke down and got MySpace, too. I was so resistant to it for so long. I'm glad that we've both been able to get in touch with Sheri, though!

NOPE! I was a COWBOYS fan! Still am actually. lol. Even tho I AM from NY! lol...

Yeah, some places are like that...philly....is like that!

Yeah, I wasn't going to, but my one friend Steph was telling me to get it for months. I tried it and it had my name up there, my city, etc. and it freaked me out. I thought, that's way too much info for everyone. So, I kept messing with it. Jenice told me about you know who trying to reach me. I thought about everyone else trying ot reach me, too. I'm so glad that we've found Sheri. So many memories with that girl. It's been really good talking ot her. I miss it! :) Glad you guys are talking as well. It's great, isn't it?!?!?!!!!

Love ya!

Oh no you didn't. Are you trying to diss me? That's okay...I'll remember that. See if I buy you another NFL ticket next year....don't look for it, because it won't be there!!!!!

I am a fan, but there's other stuff in the house to be done. If I sit in front of the tv all day...who's going to wash the clothes and feed the kids?

Oh yea...we could put them outside for the day with food and water. You're right! We'll do that next week when the game is on. Why didn't I think of that sooner?


Love you, too

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About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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