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Monday, December 11, 2006 

I Need To Vent!!!!

*SIGH* I am having a rough time. Charles, went off to New Orleans and left his mom to take his place and it is just not the same. I love her with all my heart and am thankful for her help with the kids while I am away at work, but it's just SO different. It makes me really think! Not having Charles around is double the work load and with my hectic work schedule and added hours it's really difficult. I try to be really organized and have a schedule for her to follow, because I know she's not used to having small kids to look after. She's also not used to what goes on at our house. She doesn't really read the schedule though and that makes it hard, because the kids are just running around tearing stuff up. She also watched Aiyana as well yesterday. That made it even more crazy. Brevy and Aiy, don't get along. Brevy, is used to being the older child and when she's around it's not the case. Aiy, is used to being the baby and when she's at our house Bones, is the baby. So, it's really crazy lately. Yesterday, was especially crazy. I worked late on Saturday night and I left early to make sure I was able to at least see Charles before he'd leave. Then, Sunday morning we had to get up early to say goodbye to Charles and head off to church. Aiyana was going to met us there and that was just one less thing I had to do. There was no way I was going to travel 45 minutes to her house that early and picking her up. I'm just stressed at this point. Plus, on top of all of that...Bones and Brevy, are sick! They have really bad colds. I was wishing I could just stay home with them and take care of them and not have to travel back and forth to and from work. Life doesn't work that way though. So, it's been hard. I'm used to the way Charles and I do things. We have really good team work and I'm really used to the schedule we have. I don't have to tell him to read to the kids before bed time, he just does it. I don't have to tell him to help the kids brush their teeth before bed. Ya know?! I dunno! So anyway, I managed to cook dinner and have it ready by 2pm yesterday so when I left to work I could take dinner with me and this way Virg didn't have to cook for three kids. Aiy, wouldn't be getting picked up until 8pm and that makes a really long day for her, too. It wasn't even busy at work, but there was no one around to VTO us. So, we all sat there and listened to one an other's conversations. People were talking to other people from across the room. No one in there had a call. You'd get a call every 15 minutes so it was really a waste of time. Usually, they let us go when it's like that. Uhhh...So I got home at 12:30am and got up at 7am to get Brevy ready for school & thanks to Lillian. Usually, I get up at 7:30am, but she woke me up early! Ugh. I barely got him off to school on time, because he kept stopping to talk to gma. Gma, wasn't helping, because she kept encouraging him to chat when he was supposed to be getting ready. It's just STRESSFUL! Charles, calls every chance he gets which is like every two hours or so...in between his trainings and what not. He says he doesn't feel that great either, but this isn't a mandatory trip. He was chosen and could have turned it down. It's my fault, because I encouraged him to go. Next time I'll just shut my mouth! He doesn't get back until Friday! Ugh. I need a nap. I'm cranky and I have no patience right about now. Just needed to vent a bit. :{

About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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