Playing Catch up
Not too much to report! The kids went to Bethlehem night at Church on Saturday. It gives the parents time to themselves. Time to do whatever it is that we parents do with out our kids. It was nice though. I got all the lights up and Charles and I went out for lunch. It was a hectic fast day...lots of picking up and dropping off. Lots of rushing here and rushing there. I was a little stressed. I hate rushing around! Then I went to work from 3:30-midnight both Saturday and my day off which was Sunday. Sucks. This week I have the same schedule. Next week Charles goes out of town on a LONG business trip to Louisiana. Brevy, holds his FIRST EVER concert. His class along with two other classes will be singing Christmas carols. I'm excited. I'm going to record it, because Charles won't be able to see it. :( I managed to send my mom's Christmas package off. Go figure, I did it early. There was a photographer for the paper taking pictures of my bones and I, then he approached us (I was unaware of the fact that he took our pictures). He asked for our names and told me who he was. He said he's not sure if they'll use it. I said, "you took a picture of me looking like this? Oh no! Can I see it?" He showed me and I told him, "I hope you don't use it, but have a Merry Christmas!" He just laughed. lol. Ugh. What else is new? Not too much...Today is my day off and it's much needed. Work is crazy! Lots of crappy orders and long handle time. (Not good)! Still I managed to be 34.00 over company which is hard to do right now. I don't know if I'll be able to keep it up. Last night I stayed my entire time instead of VTO-ing (leaving early). It was hard, because call after call went more down hill. It was really all for nothing, I suppose. Anyhow, I've already personalized the Christmas stockings with gold glitter. They came out really cute. I'll have to take a picture of them when they're dry. I'd still like to put lights in my room. My room is the only room with out lights in the window. It may be too much, because we have lights on the roof for the first time ever. I usually only decorate everything BUT. lol. We need fuses, because with 5 stands of lights together it blew a couple of the small fuses and now we can't find the larger ones. Wal-Mart is wiped clean. :P~ Such as my luck, right?! Bones, is practicing her colors, because she's dragging blanks when I ask her a color. She knew those and now it's like, "HUH?!" We're going to have movie night tonight with the kids. It's been forever since we all snuggled up on the air mattress in front of the T.V with blankets and warm cookies to watch a good movie. We move the coffee table and rearrange everything just so we can have movie night. Lillian, loves the bed with a sheet on it. She could play and sleep there for hours. We always have to fight her to let us on, too. I miss doing that. Working nights, sucks. I'm getting tired of it again...Not the working....just what I'm doing. I saw a couple of girls that were in my same class and they've moved on to doing "command" which is off the phone time. I don't know what I'd want to do...but I would like to get off the phone. The only thing with that is you don't get paid you're $8.00 lift. That would suck! I don't know if it's worth it. I'm still thinking about it though. Meanwhile, I'm still being a fashion consultant for a major company. :-P ~! Before I end here I want to close with this:
"Jesus is the reason for the Season!"
"Jesus is the reason for the Season!"
Don't be sorry. It will be good info and maybe something bigger. We don't know what God has in store for us. You must go. I'm just worried about the kids while I am at work. I know they love your mom and tend to get way out of control when she's around. We spent so much time investing manners and such and it all goes out the door when Grandma is here. Plus, they don't listen to me when she's around. You know. That's what I'm worried about. If I didn't have to work, then that would be PERFECT. Life doesn't work that way though. Don't worry....that's my job. I love you and hopefully your mom will give them some discipline. KISSES! :*
Posted by
Hillary |
12/07/2006 12:31:00 PM
Yeah, it basically DID just fall in your lap. Maybe it's God's will. You're welcome. You know me!!!
I love you you'll be just fine and so will we.
Posted by
Hillary |
12/07/2006 04:31:00 PM