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Sunday, February 13, 2005 

What a day...

What a day- I tell ya....Today, was supposed to be an easy cleaning day. We're supposed to get ready for the party tomorrow...It turned out to be the total opposite. Why is it when things are suppose to run smoothly they always do the opposite? Why is it when you're not prepared for things to go wrong, they do? That's life, I guess. It started off so crazy...Right in the am. We were picking up kids, taking them here and there...Who can think when all you're doing is rushing around everywhere? We got volunteered to take aiy's cousin to Sunday school, because of course- we take Aiyana. Ugh! Sorry- but I need to vent- that is a purpose of a blog- in my book. I like having the girls over to eat and I like having things organized, but I guess it was just chaos today. They had a party to go to and turns out we weren't going to see Aiy that much today anyway. We also had a picture appointment after the Brevin and Aamya's nap. Turns out we had to pick up Aiyana on the way. Her G'ma had her and wanted to meet so Aiyana can come with us to do the pictures. BAD IDEA!!! She wasn't wearing a jacket and started getting the sniffles apparently from the day before. Her mother was in Texas and didn't want Aiyana to stay with us. She said, Friday and Saturday are "her" days and are to be spent with the g'ma. So,she was cranky and tired from being with her grandma and cousins all weekend. We barley saw her today. We get to Sears and she's already complaining she's hungry-( mind you she just came from a party and just ate.) Kids are always hungry!! Plus, she was getting sick...It seems like I am the only one that notices this stuff. We didn't notice about the jacket until her Grandma pulled away. So, there she was in 50 degree weather with no jacket. (-With the wind it's cold.) So, where was I? Oh yeah, we're in Sears and she starts complaining and to top it off my daughter wasn't smiling. The one and only girl that can get them to smile at Sears was on sick leave. Flu season is in full effect in Albuquerque. So, we got stuck with some lady who had no idea what she was doing. She's supposed to position the kids and get them to smile. Who was doing all the work? ME! And Aamya is used to a 3 hour nap. (The girl can sleep) and she only got a 2 hour nap. Her attitude was bigger than the building. That's why she's my lil Mama. I mean, I can't really blame her- the lady WAS annoying. I tried to get her to smile, but it wasn't happening. So, the pictures didn't come out that great. I was hoping she'd be happy. That's why Aamya is Aamya!!! How can a two year old have such an attitude? To tell ya the truth she's always had one. I guess she was born with it. It will only get worse as she gets to be a teenager. We don't even want to go there!! So, anyway, both girls (aiyana and Aamya) end up crying. Aiyana, was crying because she was tired. She told Aamya not to go near her, because she's getting sick. Aamya, starts crying (not only does she have an attitude, but she's really sensitive, too) Go figure! So, it's a mess. Brevin, tried smiling, but got tired, because the lady was taking her sweet time setting everything up. So, he had this "clench" look on his face. lol. He's a trooper though. We tired.! Next week I scheduled for Aiyana's pictures to be taken. We'll see how that all works out. I think it's the presence all three of them together. They try to out do each other usually. This time around everyone was just too tired. That's my little ones for ya. We're supposed to be going to Colorado at the end of the month with all of them. Ugh, now that will be fun. Can we say portable DVD player? *sigh*

yeah, really- Wouldn't that be nice?! Yeah I've already got a large stock of Motrin...I def- neeed it! hehe...

Yeah, we had fun when we put the girls to nap time when got home. LOL I love you babe. keep up the good blogging. oh... Happy Valentine's Day!

Yeah, it did get better after we put Miss. Aiyana and Miss. Aamya Blue to bed, huh?! It's a GREAT place for two cranky girls...naunies...lol- Love ya, too!

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  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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