Didn't sleep well last night. Why is it when ya wake up to go pee you can never fall back asleep and sleep as good as you were the first time? I HATE THAT! lol....I guess it's, because you wake your brain up from it's rest. Then, ya lay there and think of all this crazy stuff instead of sleep. ugh...I told myself to go back to sleep plenty of times. It didn't work. It sucks...This morning we had to get Aiy at her house at 6:30am. It was more like 6:50am though- but that's still too early, especially when you were up for what felt like three hours in the middle of the night. Grrr....*sigh* Now, I'm tired, really tired. I can't go back to sleep, because the little ones are up and have energy. It never fails...
Yesterday, was my mom's birthday. She didn't even go out of the house. Well, except to put the trash outside. Poor thing. If I was in NY with her we would have all gone out to eat. I felt bad....She was telling me on the phone that it was raining and she had to take out the garbage. One of the trash cans was FULL of water and she had to empty it on her own. Does that sound like something you'd want to do on your birthday? That doesn't sound like something I'd want to do, period. Then, the bags broke on her...Ew. Poor ma! She also made her own dinner and of course for everyone else, too. *shakes head* I wish I could have been there. To top it off she didn't even get the package I sent her. It seems to be taking it's sweet time. Even though I sent it off 9 days ago. Go figure! It better get there or someone is in trouble! :X
Today, is going to be another windy day in the land of entrapment. Oh kids are itching to get outside and play on their slide and inside their little play house, but it looks like they have to wait until Saturday. Saturday, is supposed to be 70 degrees...Oh and Charles, has his basketball tournament this weekend. YAY! It's in Jemez and I can't wait to see him play. GO WBL! (No, it doesn't stand for women's basketball league- LOL- For real though, it doesn't) I'll be the loudest one from the bleachers... You can take the girl out of NY, but ya can't take the NY out of the girl. Aight!
No package today either...:(
Posted by
Hillary |
3/30/2005 02:26:00 PM
Sucks that the package hasn't got there yet. I sure hope you sleep better tonite. I love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
3/30/2005 03:24:00 PM
You and me both, babe...((I love it when you leave comments- it's so cute...))Thanks Baby...I love ya, too! <<3
Posted by
Hillary |
3/30/2005 05:14:00 PM
Posted by
Hillary |
3/30/2005 05:21:00 PM