Home Sweet Home
I didn't relies how much I missed home until today at Wal-Mart. One thing I noticed about living here in NM, people treat you differently than where I am from. I have NEVER experienced such ignorance until 6 years ago when I moved to this dusty state. I try not to let it bother me, because people ARE ignorant. They think there are only three races here (in NM) and that's it, very closed-minded people. I got some really dirty looks and all over what? I don't understand prejudice people. I will never understand prejudice people. I brush my shoulders off and keep truckin'. Today, though seemed overwhelming. I do miss home. I miss the smiles and the polite people that hold the door open for you as you enter a store. I miss the warm personalities that I experienced everyday. I'm not saying that they're aren't rude people where I am from, I'm just saying I never experienced that ever until moving here. I miss familiar faces. The sweet scent of lilacs in the air as the breeze floats over your nose. I miss my dad's wrinkled nose as he looks at me with that expression he always makes (indescribable.) The sound of his voice as I am in the same house as it echoed through the 30 year old walls. I miss the "Hello" that you get as you pass a total stranger walking on the wide streets. I miss the sound of other children at play. It always sounds like a warm place to live in. Children everywhere playing hockey in the street, skateboarding on large ramps in the middle of the road. I miss the grass that we used to play Frisbee in, the padded soft ground that you could fall in and not get that hurt. I guess I'm really home sick and didn't really notice until now. I try to make the best of it, but than I get reminded on days like this. You really don't understand, until you experience it yourself. I know there are mean, ignorant people all over this planet. It's a sad way to live, really. I see it from a different perspective now living someplace else for such a long period of time. Life, isn't easy, this I know. I guess there isn't anything like home and I miss it. I stay there for like a week when I visit and I get my fill and I am ready to move on. I just can't wait to go back...
I'm sorry Ma. People are just stupid around here, don't know why they are the way they are, but just keep your head up. IT's their problem and not yours or ours. I love you. We'll have you home soon.
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/30/2005 08:13:00 PM
what happened at Wal-Mart? I'm sorry to hear you're having such a horrible time out there. You will no doubt gain something, if only perspective, from your time in NM. Just keep your head up. :)
Posted by
J |
4/30/2005 08:26:00 PM
I know Babe, just gets a little old when it happens all the time. Ya know?!
Posted by
Hillary |
4/30/2005 08:45:00 PM
Just people being stupid is all, Jen. It just gets to me after awhile. Like I said I try to brush it off and move on, but there's only so much a person can take!
Posted by
Hillary |
4/30/2005 08:46:00 PM
Which Wal-Mart were you at? Coors and the Bypass or Rio Rancho? There are so many now. You're right about people being unfriendly in stores at NM. Even in Isleta, where we supposedly all know each other, folks are rude at the gas station and stuff.
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/01/2005 09:34:00 PM
The Wal-Mart on Carlisle and Manual. Usually, we got to the one on Coors...People just suck here and I'm tired of it. It's an un-friendly place to live.
Posted by
Hillary |
5/01/2005 09:40:00 PM
I used to live on carlisle and comanche- that was our wal-mart! It really is an unfriendly place. I'm really sorry that happened to you. I think people in NM are just depressed (except the super rich white folks up by Tramway...) because life doesn't really go anywhere. Land of Enchantment? More like "Land of Entrapment." Nevertheless, it's my homestate so I'm nostalgic about it. (Probably because I don't live there anymore!)
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/02/2005 10:10:00 AM
I hear ya! We go to that Wal-Mart every now and then, because there are less people there than the one on Coors. People here ARE depressed. Now I know why Charles always calls it the "Land of Entrapment." It hopefully won't be much more. I'll be ecstatic when we move and move far away. :)~ Will you ever move back here? Is all your family in Isleta?
Posted by
Hillary |
5/02/2005 10:30:00 AM