Late Night at Work...
I didn't get home from work last night until 12:30 AM! The store closes at 11pm, we had a lot to do. I've been kicking some butt over there. It was only my second day and I'm doing pretty good. I got up at 10am and reunited with the kids. It was the first time since my last job that I didn't get to put the kids to bed. I don't like missing that. So, that sucked...But this morning I cooked them breakfast and got to play with them. Hopefully, when the new schedule comes out I won't be working nights. Nights isn't even what I put for my availability. They just had some open slots and I grabbed them while I could...Bad choice in a way. It rained today! It came down good. It was just when we put the kids down for a nap and we were getting ready to watch, "Sometimes in April." It's just like Hotel Rwanda. I can't believe those things went on in my life time and no one seemed to care (here in America)...Crazy! Anyway, I picked up White Noise, too. It's supposed to be scary...We're going to watch that when the kids go to bed tonight, we'll see if it's scary. Got my free book today. They stripped the cover, but it doesn't really matter...It's what's inside that counts. LOL. Hey, as long as I get a free book every week, they can take the cover...It's fine by me. :)~ So, only after two, long days of working...It's not that bad. I don't get a break, but I'll need to talk to someone about that. I'm prone to getting bad migraines, if I need to eat something- you can BEST believe I will eat a Sneakers and be on my way. :-) We got to cook out for Memorial Day (after the rain). I tried calling my dad and only got his voice mail. I tried to wish him a Happy Memorial Day. My uncle was in the VFW parade today. He rode on a float, my mom said. He even got all dressed up, that's good for him! I was surprised and happy to hear that he's moving about. Tomorrow, I get to shop for my dress, or at least LOOK! LOL. I hope to find something. David's Bridal is squeezing me in...Apparently they had nothing for the morning...And that's the only day I have to go this week with out the kids being with me. I can NOT try on dresses with two little ones running around, impossible! So, they squeezed me in. Then, there is this other place I'm going to go to after wards...It will be a busy and FUN morning. I can't wait!!! :)
Yep, was such a long long nite. love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
6/01/2005 04:51:00 PM
Yeah it was...I hope I don't have to do that again...But something tells me that it's possible. LOVE YOU
Posted by
Hillary |
6/01/2005 05:54:00 PM