NOISE! I wanted to go back to sleep this morning and these workers are outside CUTTING WOOD. UGH. I got up this morning early and startled, because The Arc is coming and I forgot to put the stuff out. So, as Charles was in the shower, I was lifting old, pc's and bags of stuff out to the curb...Oh fun~! Not to mention I was dizzy and tired...And I seem to have a slight cold. Ugh. Oh yeah, and the stupid workers come to my door before 8am and RING THE DOOR BELL. OHMIGOD- it clearly says, "KNOCK!" I'm not understanding these people...Anyway, he wanted our old, PC out on the curb. Charles, told him that there are some people coming to pick it up. So, when I try to go back to sleep...A little while ago- they start cutting wood and making a TON of noise outside my window. Wonderful! I have to have enough energy to last all day and all night, because Charles, has basketball tonight. So, it's just the kids and I. It's going to be a L-O-N-G day.
Some good news... We found the girls dresses last night. It was crazy trying to pick something out that actually matched. CRAZINESS! First we picked Meesa's dress out like last week sometime. It was poofy, white, and adorable. We started to get Aiy's dress, but I really didn't like it. So, we left it on hold. Meanwhile, we went back the next day to see what else they had...And nothing in white. So, we looked for something lilac (the color of my bride's maid's dresses will be) and I found something really cute for her. She tried it on and we all liked it. Then, we looked for something lilac for Meesa (so they could match) and nothing. So, we have the lady call the other store...For some possibilities....One dress in white in Aiy's size, and Aiy's dress in Meesa's size...And no luck. So, we gave up and went back again yesterday to the other store to see what they had for ourselves. They had a lot more selection there. We played around with some different dresses. We tried to look for anything that matched in Aiy's size and Meesa's...We found this poofy, lilac thing. Eh, I said...Charles liked it right away. So, we had them try it on, and they look really cute. So, now we have to go back to our house on the other side of town, get meesa's dress, go all the way back over to the other mall, exchange the dress, and finally purchase the lilac ones. We were all tired and hungry by now, but we got it done. We ended the crazy cycle back and forth from two different malls. I think by the time we were all said and done we didn't get home until after 9pm and I still had to get the kids in the pj's and cook dinner. CRAZY! I'm glad the girls are done. I'm so relieved. Now, I just have to work with my Bride's Maid's...And the dresses will be completed.
*yawn* I'm tired, so I'm going to go rest or at least attempt to with all the NOISE!
Tired just reading this.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6/09/2005 09:44:00 AM
What's the ARC? I woudn't complain too much, construction eventually leads to good things (like new decks!). Just think - soon you'll get a new one.
Also, glad you've got the girls' dresses! :) Now I just need to drag myself out to David's Bridal and get mine!
Posted by
J |
6/09/2005 04:23:00 PM
Well that's because you're NOT ME. You don't know what it's like to be in this house with those guys outside making a complete mess of things. They're supposed to be working and they're out there sitting on their ass. I guarantee if the owner was here- they would NOT be sitting on their ass. They're ruining the bushes and trees while making the porch- that's NOT a good thing considering we're responsible for ANYTHING that happens to this place. They're not going to blame me. So, you can bet your money that I'll be on that phone complaining and letting the agency know absoulety EVERYTHING that goes on while these men are here. They're already paying our water bill, because these people have already run it up sky high- I'm sure. Why should we pay for it? We're just renting! I'll be glad when these idiots are gone and my kids are able to take a nap again.
Posted by
Hillary |
6/09/2005 06:54:00 PM
Have fun shopping for your dress. It's supposed to be FUN! With the girls it was hard to find their sizes and something that actually matched!
Posted by
Hillary |
6/09/2005 06:56:00 PM
That sux that those idiots don't know how to keep their shit quiet. I mean they could cut the wood in the front of the house and bring in in the back. They have ways. Anyway, good job Ma. Owners are really praising you. I love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
6/09/2005 10:05:00 PM
Yeah it really does Baby. EXACTLY- They could, but they don't. And our picture falling off the crazy is that!? And them taking over the tree. They need to ASK first, ot just be like, "I'm have to cut this, okay!" NONONO~! You need to wait until I talk to the agency first, MR! Ugh- I'm glad that's all over with. Crazy. Yes, Linda said, we're "examples of integrity,toughtfulness and caring." She's so sweet! I love you too!
Posted by
Hillary |
6/10/2005 09:18:00 AM
LOL- I don't even think Cotton will work in this situation. I'll be so happy when it's over. It was crazy finding the girls dresses, but we did it and they MATCH! Isn't that GREAT! Finally!
Posted by
Hillary |
6/13/2005 01:25:00 PM