New Wedding News...hmmm?
I just learned this morning from an email that my aunt will be coming to the wedding after all. This confuses me, because when I called her awhile back to ask her if she'd be attending, she told me "no." She's now going to visit my uncle Don, who just had surgery and go with him to my wedding. Didn't anyone ever think about calling me and say, oh by the way- Hill, we're coming to your wedding. My family is something else. I mean, it's good that she's coming. If it wasn't for Jess, I wouldn't know anything. Why not call me and let me know though? I have to report numbers and let's not mention actually PAY for people to EAT! Ugh! So, I found myself on the phone this morning with mom, Jenice, and cousin Juanita. I found out some interesting things...But still didn't get a chance to cram in a phone call to my aunt. I will tomorrow though for sure. I had to run off to work. I got in late last night. No sooner did I get to sleep at 1am, I was startled with the children screaming at one another this morning. Yes, this is how I wake up every morning. For some reason they think that they aren't able to hear one another and feel they need to express themselves very loudly. So much for sleep! When I got home from work today, we got a call saying Brevy's tux was in. We took a trip to the mall to pick it up. Boy, did he look handsome. To my surprise he didn't even need alterations. He fits him perfectly. That's one thing we didn't need to pay extra for. AMEN! He's all set! Boys are so easy. They jump in their clothes; look and smell delicious. I wish it was that easy for me! My Bride's maids are FINALLY set! Another AMEN to that. Jenice, called and has purchased her dress, shoes, and jewelry. She sounds happy and relieved that she's done. Now we just need to find somewhere to get our hair done early in the morning. My mom is working on that one, though. Thank God for mom. We did a little shopping today. I just bought Brevy another Scooby-Doo movie. What is it with him and Scooby-Doo? Who knows! Lots of parents that come into my store have the same story. I guess Scooby is an oldie, yet a goodie. That's the way we see it. I would think with all the "monsters" in these movies that kids would be scared. Not my kids! They laugh and laugh. Now I'm not saying it's the best thing in the world for them to watch. Actually, they shouldn't even be watching TV, but that's not too realistic. Tell that to his Daddy who got him into Scooby in the first place. :) What are ya going to do when those big, brown eyes look up at you? Sucker! But anyway, that's what we got him. I brought daddy another one of his books. I've got him reading, which is a good thing. I think ever since he's been out of college he hasn't picked up one book. And who's to say he picked them up while he was even in college? Ha! I'm just glad he's enjoying those books. I want to get into my Steven King phase again. What happened that I ever stopped reading those books...Oh yeah....Brevy and Meesa....But they're getting older now and I have down time during the day. I just need to learn to take some time for me. Stop going on the internet to search for wedding cake toppers and actually sit and relax with a GOOD Steven King book. Sounds good to me. More work tomorrow...Maybe I'll pick one up then. I also plan to find out what's happening to this crazy wedding guest list at the same time. I mean, it's LAST MINUTE and all kinds of people are changing their minds. Well, it's too late now. :-P~ We'll see what happens though. Until then, it's time to put the kiddies to bed. YAY! G'Nite! :) :) :) :) :)
Yeah, babe- there's always a lot on my mind. Ya know this! This is why I love my blog.Yeah, you were lucky with the whole college thing. Yes, of course you graduated baby! Love you! Yeah, scooby is okay!
Posted by
Hillary |
7/25/2005 04:34:00 PM