The Harry Potter CRAZE~! Ahhhhhhhh!
Ugh, Harry Potter night. I can't believe I have to be a part of that. I really don't want to work tonight. I don't even think I can last until like 2am. I'll probably be half a sleep the whole time.
I made it through...Just barely though. I had to work with a BUNCH of stuck up, snotty people. I really can't stand snotty people. UGH, I was the only one in the entire store actually working. Everyone was there it seemed and just milking the clock. I was the only one open and the only one helping customers. Everyone was else was in a huddle, fooling around. That's okay though, because the cameras were on them and as I had a line, they were just standing there...So, I hope something will be done about that--probably not though. When it came time for the line up, I was fighting the crowds. Again, I was just trying to get things done. The lines weren't as long as I expected. Only one line was wrapped into the book section. All the other lines were just "regularly long." I felt bad that they stood there for almost an hour. I put all the movies back while the kids lined up for the costume contest. There was a jelly bean count contest as well. I guess it would be fun, if you were like ten years old and really liked Harry Potter. To me, it was just a bunch of noise. People screaming into the loud speaker to get the crowds attention. If you were deaf, you'd do just fine winning prizes last night. All that noise gave me a migraine. Good thing I prepared and had my meds with me. When the final 12 o'clock hour came we opened the million boxes and piled them on the side of my register. Then, the fun began...I found myself saying, "One or Two?" oh yeah, and "$19.20" It only took a whole 30 minutes for people to leave. Not a bad turn out and not a turn out like we all expected. I guess all and all, it wasn't that bad. And NO, I didn't buy a Harry Potter book! :)
yuck! sounds like a crazy night at work! what time did you finally get home?
have you read any of the hp books?
Posted by
J |
7/16/2005 09:51:00 PM
I actually got home at 1:25 AM. That's late for me. I usually don't stay up that late...:( I was really tired for Saturday and of course I had to work Saturday too. *Sigh*
No, I probably won't have time to actually sit and read one until the kids are in school. lol. Those guys don't give me time for anything! :)
Posted by
Hillary |
7/17/2005 05:58:00 PM
I've did see the HP movies though. How about you? Read the books or watch any of the movies, Nenny?
Posted by
Hillary |
7/17/2005 06:01:00 PM
I've read the first 2 books and have seen all the movies that are out. They're great, and I want to read the rest of them. :)
Posted by
J |
7/19/2005 05:33:00 PM
Jess- Yep, like I said on my blog, "There's always something to write about!" lol I really like the movies, too. I guess if I see the books for sale at my store, then I'll buy them, but I'm not spending $30 bucks on a boook. NOPE! This guy bought an older HP book on sale for $5 bucks! That's my kind of price! :)
Posted by
Hillary |
7/20/2005 12:19:00 PM
Jen, Yep Me too...I wanna BUY the movies...We just rented them as they came out. It would be nice to OWN them. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
7/20/2005 12:20:00 PM