Blessed Family
I'm truly blessed to have the family that I do. Tonight, I got a call from my cousin, Pastor Joe, (the one I didn't even know existed.) He called to talk to me and see how I'm doing. This man is something else! We go back and forth in email all day and then he calls me...I thought that was so sweet!! We talked about the family. How out of touch we all are and how it's a shame that uncle Frank and uncle Joe have let themselves go. He said a prayer for the family when my other uncle Sonny passed away. He prayed that we'd all come together for a good occasion. That indeed is what's happening...My wedding is going to bring the family together for a happy occasion. The only time our family ever comes together is when someone passes away, which is a sad thing. We just found each other a couple of months ago and I already know so much about him. He's a good Pastor and a good person. I'm glad we'll be coming together, as a family. I really can't wait to see my family. I'm hoping we can all sit down, talk and just have a good time. I'm really excited!! He's going to come a couple of days early so we can all get to know everyone. He has some family near by the area and he told them we're going to meet our new cousin, ME! It's really nice that he's taking the time to gather what family he has in that area just so I can meet them and they can meet me. He said he never knew my mom had a child. That's what he told me...He contacted me, because I signed his nephews quest book online after he passed away...I left my email address, thinking nothing of it. Then, 5 days later I get an email...And it's all history after that. I think God has brought us together for a reason. It's a good thing. I have TWIN second cousins I didn't even know about. His daughters are my age! This family needs to get together and write a book! I bet we have some stories to tell. I can't wait until the time comes. :) Now, I know I have someone close to me that I can always talk to...And that's a real good thing. :)
Yeah, I am too. Your family is mean that's you baby.
Posted by
Hillary |
7/07/2005 10:49:00 AM
sounds great! :) that's amazing that you all found each other.
Posted by
J |
7/07/2005 07:23:00 PM