The Little Things...
I talked to the wedding consultant yesterday. We spoke for over 30 minutes, which was good. I needed to ask some questions and more importantly she needed to ask some questions. We got a lot accomplished. There's so much to go over...Little things that I never thought of. Ex. Bubbles or rice? Self park or Vellet? Traditional isle arrangement or on an angle? Geez..We must of went over all kinds of things. It's good, because that means it's coming together nicely. All I need to know is, will the weather be nice? I guess we'll find out in due time. I'll just be glad when it's time. I've been thinking about this day since I was a little girl. I guess most of us do...It's just going to be nice having our families there. Yesterday, was my uncle Frank's birthday (which I almost forgot!) We called him to wish him a Happy 70th Birthday! Wow...70, I can't even imagine really. He sounded happy to talk to us. Charles and the kids talked to him as well. It was really nice to hear his voice. Almost all of his children called him earlier in the day as well. He's even excited about the wedding. :) hehe...
Well, I stayed up way too late last night and I'm so tired. I know there is something I should be doing other than sitting here. :)~
Hey Pa! I love you! Yeah, she does know what she's talking about. It's good to finally work with someone that does. :-) Frank's cool. hehe....LOVE YOU.
Posted by
Hillary |
6/30/2005 12:10:00 PM
please please please don't throw rice. birds try to eat it and it gets stuck in their throats. do birdseed or bubbles. i think bubbles are the most fun, especially since there will be kids there, they'll enjoy blowing bubbles, chasing after them, etc.
and i can't believe that Frank is 70!!! wish him a happy bday for me.
Posted by
J |
6/30/2005 02:53:00 PM
Jen, Calm down-- First of all I was repeating what the wedding consultant was asking me...and Ya know I am an animal lover. I know all about birds, etc. I would NEVER do anything to harm a bird. And we've already decided on BUBBLES! Everyone loves bubbles! <<3 :-)
Posted by
Hillary |
6/30/2005 03:36:00 PM
just trying to do my part to save little birdies. :)
Posted by
J |
6/30/2005 04:26:00 PM
Yeah, you mean wouldn't do anything to hurt those lil birdies. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
6/30/2005 08:27:00 PM