I came home from work tonight and had a fun night. We ate dinner and took Aiy home. Then, the we all went to my store to pick out some books. I got my free one and I got the kids some, because they were good for daddy today while I was away. So, they got rewarded for it. Brev, has also been asking for "Are We There Yet?" and my store didn't have it to buy so we rented one... (Mind you --we've already seen it in the movies when it came out), But Brev L<3ves it! So we rented it. We came home and played outside for awhile until it was almost dark...Charles and I, played badminton. While, the kids played on their slide and play house. It was fun! :) Then, we came inside and popped the movie in. We made some popcorn and had "movie night" in the living room. Then, I read them their books and it was off to bed. It was fun!!! We never get to do that anymore. Hehe...Charles and I are going to watch, "Alone in the Dark." I don't know how good it's going to be. "In the Dark", wasn't good at all...So, we'll see about this one. "Hostage," is really good....So if you haven't seen it, go get it! :)
sounds like you guys had a fun night! what's brev's movie about? i LOVE badminton! my mom got a set last year and we can put it up in the yard. are you able to play in your yard?
Posted by
J |
6/27/2005 09:34:00 PM
Yeah, it was REALLY FUN! Brev's movie stars Ice Cube (I know you remember him.) He's basically trying to get to know this women and she has two kids. He really doesn't like kids. He ends up taking the kids to go see their real dad...and on their journey the kids play a lot of jokes and pranks on him. But he starts to really enjoy their company. All the kids want to do is scare him away, so he doesn't hook up with their the end they mess up his NEW NAVIGATOR and they really start liking each other. It's cute.
No, we don't play in the yard, because it's too small and full of rocks. We play out front...There's more space and it's so much fun!
Posted by
Hillary |
6/27/2005 10:12:00 PM
I know. It's weird, because it's like a "BIG kid" movie. Strange, but whatever. lol....I love you Baby!
Posted by
Hillary |
6/30/2005 12:17:00 PM