A Few Days to do a TON of things....
My dress alteration appointment is coming up and coming up soon. I need to have everything done by then...I feel as though there isn't ever enough time to get things done. I need shoes, the petty coat and some other "unmentionables" to go with the dress....AHHHH! Charles, has basketball starting, again. I work weekends, and with meetings and everything else in the middle of the week, who has the time? Not us, but it looks as though we'll be having some late nights. We have to do it sometime. "THE GUYS" still need to get their suit arrangement going. We're going to see if they can have s lilac tie or something to tie in the whole "lilac" theme. I think it will look cute. I also haven't heard from the chief at Mohonk yet. He's supposed to be calling me so we can talk about the cake. It's fun, I just wish I had more time before my appointment to get what I need. Aiy, has soccer camp going on until Thursday. We're going to be with her tomorrow taking pictures. They work those girls hard. It's cute though, they're all so into it. I wish my parents put me in something like that when I was younger. I was just into Chorus and playing instruments... Until, I was able to sign up for things on my own. She likes it...But she was just complaining about everything this morning...ehh....girls! So fussy! No, landscaping this morning. They poured the cement yesterday about this time and haven't been back since. YAY! They're letting it dry. So, I actually could have slept late this morning, if we didn't have to go and get Aiy. GRRRR.....Eh, it wasn't meant to be, I guess. Talked to my cousin, the Rev.- yesterday. He's all set to marry us. He's so excited!! I'm excited that he's excited! Things work in mysterious ways. At first he wasn't able to do it...Now he's leaving earlier so we can all have more time there. I think it will be a blast. We're both very family oriented...Or at least with our own families. Our family in general, as a "whole" doesn't stay in contact with one another. I try hard to contact my aunts and uncles...And that's all you really can do. You can only do so much. So, when we get out there we're just going to take it amongst ourselves to learn about each other. He already started telling me some things about his side of the family. Ya know... who's- who type stuff, which I really appreciate. This family needs to write a BOOK- I swear! There is just so much going on. I would really like to sit down and do a family tree. Wouldn't that be something!? So, anyway, our conversation was interesting, to say the least. I need to get breakfast for the little ones and finish cleaning house...And it's only 9am. UGH>....LOL.
Hey Ma,
I love you. Wow, that's a whole lot on your mind. That's good that you and your cuz are gettin to know each other. He sounds like a really good fella. I can't wait to meet him. It's all falling into place so don't stress to much.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6/16/2005 04:48:00 PM
Hey Pa,
Yep- I always have tons on my mind. Yeah...he's cool. If it wasn't for a money issue- I wouldn't be stressed. I wish we could win the lotto between now and then. Wouldn't that be nice....:)
Posted by
Hillary |
6/16/2005 05:58:00 PM