Late Nights...
Working nights isn't working well. I only have Friday night as available to work and so far they have scheduled me every night. It's too hard. I'm a FULL TIME mother to two, fully energized, children. I get up early and do my regular things all day...Clean house (which in itself is enough), of course take care of the kids (which is HUGE), and now I don't go in to work until 6pm and I'm scheduled until MIDNIGHT. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? After a full days work at home, it's so hard to me to function like that. That's crazy! I don't get home until after midnight. I eat dinner at midnight. My body is going 100 mph and I don't fall asleep until way after 1am! Then, I have to get up early the next day and do it all over again. I need to talk to someone...Did I mention you get NO BREAK WHAT SO EVER? Yeah, you can go pee and come right back, but that's it. So, I stand the entire time. It's hard for me, because my children ware me out. I wouldn't mind if all I did was...Just "chill" all day, then you actually HAVE energy. I don't like it very much. Every time I go to talk to someone- it's too busy and too hectic. UGH! Today, I'll have to stay past my shift to talk to someone. It's just nutty around there. Everyone is running around like headless chickens. I'm glad for that in a way, because it makes the night go by so quickly. This morning we had to get up early and get Aiy. I called last night to see if we could pick her up an hour late and bring her back and hour late. So, we got a little bit of rest this morning, but I need more. Ugh. And now they don't know when they'll be home to drop her off. I get off "early" tonight....So, we're going to take her home after I get off (which is late and ALL the children should be in bed.) But they want to play games. I don't have time for that. So whatever~ After work, we'll have to take her home. Right now it's time to eat breakfast...
Yeah, I do- I take breathers...I escape to do the long hot bath, or to VENT on my blog, whatever works. Working nights is a killer. I did talk to the Manager and hopefully cleared it up. I hope not to work nights anymore. I think that will help out a lot. It's too much. I have my children to take care of and they come first. :) And yes,I need to take care of ME, before anyone...I am! Didn't I tell you the same thing not too long ago in email, too? Now you're school-ing me.
Thanks Jess...That's a good CUZ! :)
Posted by
Hillary |
6/13/2005 01:21:00 PM
See you get moral support from all sides babe. I love you. Things did work out and next week you only work days. So that's a plus. Keep your head up!
Posted by
Anonymous |
6/16/2005 04:57:00 PM
Yep-I sure do. I love you too. Yes, I fixed it to where I get day hours now and only work fri nights...So, it will be better. Only thing is now I won't see you, but at least I won;t be grumpy. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
6/16/2005 05:55:00 PM