Our Crazy Day...:)
We were so busy today. We were running around like headless chickens...LOL. We got so much done though. Charles, went to get Marisa and was back by 9am. Then, we got out of the house by 10 after and I wasn't even ready. LOL. I went to my first appointment and got some great accessories for my special day. Then, Charles and I, went to breakfast together. We ate really well. :) Piggies! We headed to the Bridal shop after that. I got my alterations done. I'm also going to ship my dress...It's MUCH easier than trying to LUG that thing on the plane...So, it's all paid for...Then, it was back home (LATE) to rush Marisa back to her house. The kids were sleeping when I got here, which was great!! :) Then, I started to FINALLY address my invitations and chatted with mom. Before I knew it- it was time to go to our next appointment which was across town to view some houses. Well, I got their at our Agencies' building and let them know we were ready to view a house. We were told that the person wouldn't be long...We ended up waiting 35 minutes in the car with the KIDS> Ugh. I hate people that aren't professional and don't know how to keep an appointment. We busted our asses to get there on time, all for nothing. I was so mad...I kept going into the building and asking them when the hell was this person going to show up. I really wanted to leave, but we wasted all that gas- so we sat there and waited. He finally showed and took us in the damn BOONIES> I mean it was so rural out there it wasn't even funny. Cheap houses though...And BIG! Saw two, nice, 4 bedroom, homes for WAY cheaper than what we're paying now...So, that was some good insight. Brev and Messa, were all excited...They were ready to move in. Nice! At least we know what's out there in case we have to stick around for awhile. I'm hoping and praying we're NOT sticking around though. LOL. So, that's that with houses. Then, we were on our way to Aiy's house....Then, back to pick up Marisa for a surprise birthday dinner. We went to our favorite place, Lone Star. It was good and the kids ate free. Not bad! :) We just got home after taking both Aiy and Rissa, home. CRAZY day...We've been in the car since 4:30pm- STRAIGHT! So, it feels good to be home. Now I have to finish those invitations and get them sent! Grrr....We had a lot of laughs tonight though. It was fun! I like it when we're altogether, it feels like how we should be...I'm all tired though. LOL...I got SO much done for the wedding...I'm SO SET! Or almost at least....LOL...
Yep, we sure had a busy day. I'm still tired. Work sux. I love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
6/29/2005 04:19:00 PM
So sorry that work sucked. Just think--maybe you won't be there much longer...and we get away in August. Keep your head up Baby...Love you. MUAHH--Kisses for you. <<3
Posted by
Hillary |
6/29/2005 08:40:00 PM
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Posted by
Anonymous |
6/29/2005 09:31:00 PM
There are some really rude people in this world...is all I have to say about that. Don't like it, don't read it!
Posted by
Hillary |
6/29/2005 11:32:00 PM
Posted by
Hillary |
6/30/2005 12:03:00 AM
sounds like you had a busy day! those houses sound nice.
what happened above?
Posted by
J |
6/30/2005 02:55:00 PM
Yeah we did. They were really nice.
Rude people- is all.
Posted by
Hillary |
6/30/2005 10:32:00 PM