Just got home from the fire works. It was a really good show- much better than last year. They had the mayor count down from ten and the fire works started with music when he got to one. It was really good. Meesa, got a little scared so she sat with me on my lap as they went on. There was a GREAT ending as well. Nice! Brev and Meesa, got glow-in-the-dark necklaces and one broke on me. I had a glow-in-the-dark hand. LOL. Freaky! So, we got another necklace. On the way home through all that traffic Brevy's broke on his pants...Not a good toy for little ones. He was really disappointed. Poor Brevy! Meesa, taunted him with hers for awhile...Then, we played "snake" and she laughed the whole way home. She's so silly! They had a really good time and can't wait until next year. Maybe we'll let them go on some rides...But I doubt it. LOL. None the less, they're excited! :)
Charles and I, went on our HOT Sunday night date. We headed to our favorite spot...Where else, but P.F Changs....YUMMY. Such a good China Bistro. You must know that by now from reading this crazy blog...It's all I ever talk about. We ate well.....They're was this obnoxious guy sitting in the next booth over with what looked like his four year old daughter. He was cursing up a storm and talking to someone on his cell with his little one right beside him. I couldn't get over how loud he was. Charles and I, felt sorry for the little girl. She'll probably grow up to be just like him. Why would you want to teach your four year old such horrible language? I didn't understand that at all and still don't. The waiter didn't know what to say to him. You could tell he was uncomfortable. When the man and his daughter left...He came over to our table and said, "Do you believe that guy?" We were talking about it for a minute--just crazy and really sad! Other than that, dinner was great. We had a wonderful conversation and excellent food! Did I say the food was excellent yet? Oh yeah, it was excellent!!! LOL. We bought our movie tickets on Fandango so we were all set there. We went to see War of the Worlds. Good movie! Suspenseful and kind of scary! We liked it a lot! I love Tom Cruise and of course little, Dakota Fanning... She's a great actress at such a young age. :> I think I end up liking almost anything that Steven Spielberg directs. He's an amaxing director! I usually don't like Sci-Fi movies, but this was also Action/Adventure/Drama/Thriller. It's about the Earth being invaded by these alien tripod fighting machines and one family just trying to survive. (Go see it and you be the judge!) 8-)~
Overall,We had a great night. It was nice to go and relax after working all weekend. I opened on Sunday morning, which I haven't done yet. It was kind of boring. I got to know one of the managers a little better though. I guess he's not so bad after all. He just came across like an Ass*&^%! Anyway, it was tough getting up so early, but today we got to sleep in. We didn't wake up until 11am! Wow! I don't think I've ever done that. I enjoyed it and thought it was a good thing. Charles, didn't seem to think so. :) Mom and Dad are well. They didn't do much for the holiday. They put up a new tent and my mom cooked a lot of food. They stayed in and watched the fire works on TV. My Mom was probably by herself, because Frank and my Dad were sleeping. Not what I call fun. She's pretty much used to it though. I told her that when we're there we're going to be going out and doing something fun! Poor Ma! Well, It's late and the kiddies are in bed. Yay! I think they're happy to be home in their beds. Even though they had a wonderful time tonight. Meesa said, "the fire works are gorgeous!" Have a glorious forth of July!
Yep! I love you....I'm up- I'm up! I was up earlier, but I went back to sleep. hehe. I'm so tired, babe! ugh....
Posted by
Hillary |
7/05/2005 10:45:00 AM