A Cousin's Words...
Something my cousin told me after I told him about the stress I went through yesterday. "I want you do to one thing for me but mainly for yourself. This will be a big day for you and your husband to be, as the time draws near obstacles will come before you and it may seem that things are not going right, this is nothing but the devil and when they come before you two just stop and pray and let the Lord Work things out. Don’t be upset about your dad just keep him in prayer to. This wedding is for you and Charles and don’t allow anything to hinder it no matter where it comes from, this is a special day and we want you and Charles to be happy because you should be. Once I get there I am going to do my best to keep things happy as the family gets ready for a blessed and happy day vice a sad one so smile and know God is going to work things out. (He already has)." --He is so right. I look to this paragraph when things come up.
Yes. They are! Love you, more. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
7/14/2005 07:35:00 AM