A treat for me...
I get my hair done today! YAY! I was planning on having my mom do some highlights, but I once read it's a BAD idea to get your hair colored or changed in a drastic way right before your wedding. So, I'm going to a trusty place where she used to work and get it done this evening. I can't wait to relax and have someone do something nice for me. It's nice to be able to sit there and read a book or a magazine while they "work" on you. LOL! I'm looking forward to it. This Friday we're having this crazy 'Harry Potter' thing at my work. It's midnight madness, which is going to be out of control! That's perfectly fine if you're single with no children to go home to. I'm really NOT looking forward to it. I don't go in until 8pm, so that should tell you something right there. Ugh, it's going to be a long and crazy night. I can't believe that people will stand in lines that wrap around the store, three times for a book that they'll be able to get some other day when there are NO lines. Geez! I think that's crazy, but that's just me. The only good thing about it is I get to actually eat dinner and put my kids to bed that night. That will be an easy night for Charles. The house will be quite. Nice! More wedding talk...Mom and Jenice, are the only ones left to get an outfit for the wedding. They're both going on the same day. Hopefully they each find something. Speaking about the wedding...Aiy's people now about it now for sure. I'm sure Aiy told her before that, but you just never know about those people. I thought she was going to be a big B*&^% about the whole thing so we wrote it down on paper and just gave it to her. I absolutely dislike holding a conversation with her. I'm sure she'll want to pull a fast one and have Aiy try to be out of town those days we'll be gone. Which is so NOT going to happen. We'll see...She's evil like that. So far, so good. I could really careless though. We're going to have an excellent wedding regardless of what she plans on doing. I just hope she acts like an adult and lets her go with us. On to more positive note--Brev's Birthday is next Tuesday. I can't wait to see his face when he sees the house all decorated. He gets so excited when you blow up one balloon. I know he's going to have a blast. He was sick last year on his birthday, because all the little kids in pre-school were sick and pasted on their yucky germs to him. This year he's going to be just fine. I can't wait! I plan on getting him this water pool/slide that's shaped like a whale. It's cool, because you go up the latter and slide down and land in like three inches of water. So appropriate for his age. Meesa, can have an excellent time with it as well. It should be a really cool summer activity that they can all enjoy. :) I don't know what else we'll get him, but I know that's one he'll enjoy for sure. He's still doing really well with his bike riding. I can't believe he's growing up so soon. It just puts into prospective how quickly time actually DOES fly by! :-0
Yep- I got my HAIR done. Not HAD...lol...You're so cute baby. I knew what ya meant. I can't believe how set we are for the wedding. There's just a couple of left over things that we need to get...Like a wedding cake top. Grr...I can't find one to save my LIFE! If worst comes to worst, we can always do fresh, cut flowers on top. LOVE YOU. Yeah, Brevy is growing up WAY TOO FAST> Grrr....He's a cutie though. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
7/20/2005 12:22:00 PM