Today, is my day off. We all went to see Madagascar, it's SO funny! I was laughing the entire time. It's adorable! :) The kids and Charles, enjoyed it as well. hehe...I called my uncle Don, to check on him after his surgery. He failed to let the family know that he'd was in the hospital for an entire five days without notifying anyone. Crazy, huh? His own daughters knew, but didn't even call him, because they were thinking his surgery was on a different day. What a shame! I think that's pretty depressing. If I ever need to go to the hospital for some reason (knock on wood!) My whole family and friends better look like calling me. I just think that's so sad. They had to remove a blood clot from his leg. They went through his stomach for the vein. He's got 18 stitches that he's getting removed soon. OUCH! He says no matter what they he's making it to the wedding. He's walking around and feeling okay. I guess the best you can feel after going through all of that. I told my mom to call him and also cousin Joe. That will uplift his spirits. :) The kids and Charles are napping. It's just Aiy and I, we're both bored. There's nothing to do when you have to keep quite. :( We picked out Brevy's birthday cake earlier today. He wanted a Scooby-Doo cake. I looked through the entire book to see if they had one and all I found was this "girlie" Scooby-Doo cake. I asked the lady if they had any others and that would be the page laying on the counter...Ugh....My poor aching arm for no reason. hehe...So, I showed it to Brev and that's the one he wanted. Not bad! So, we also found a cool cake for Baby, too. He wants a Spiderman cake. hahahaha. How cute is that?! We went to the toy store last night to find out what we'd get Brevy. He feel in love with this fire truck scooter. It's something I had my eye on for some weeks now. We had him try it out. He's never scooter-ed before. He knew what to do with it, it was just getting his coordination down pat that he struggled with for awhile. It was really cute watching him attempt the concept. He wants it really bad. I'm trying to teach him that he has to be a good boy if he wants things. He doesn't seem to get that concept either. Ugh. I don't want a spoiled son who thinks anytime he wants something, he's going to get it. So, he knows he has to earn it. We'll see if this lesson works or not. Meesa, has a hurt tow these days. When I went to work on Friday, I guess she was by the door and Charles came in from the garage and didn't know she was there and her toe got smashed by the door. It's swollen and bruised and she's walking pretty tenderly. Poor little one! :( I always tell her not to stand right by the door...Sure enough she's learned why. She'll be okay though. The nail is intact and will be fine after the swelling and bruising go down. So, like Tom Cruise said about little Dakota, "It's in my contract to carry her everywhere!" She's loving all the attention. She isn't exactly light either. LOL. I just want her well so she can enjoy racing around the house with her brother again. :)
Yeah, she is! She's all over the place, Daddy! Love you too!
Posted by
Hillary |
7/25/2005 04:24:00 PM