Can't sleep. Cat is buggin'. Brevy is buggin'. People callin', not leaving messages early in the morning are buggin' and I'm not too happy about any of it. At least I have somewhere to complain about it all. :) Good news is, I'm not working today. I woke up thinking about what I was going to wear to work. Then, I thought about it and was relieved that today is Thursday. No Aiyana yesterday or today. She's sick and not feeling well. Apparently, we're not having her on Sunday, either. So, we don't get to see her all week. Someone is always getting sick these days. Especially, with the flu going around. I hope we all stay sick free and that Aiy gets better soon. I woke Bones up just a while ago. She can't sleep if I can't sleep. :-P~ She's happily playing with Lilly. My plans for the day are not to plan too much. I'm making enchiladas and that's about it. Baby has basketball tonight so I won't see much of him. I have Sunday off this week, along with Tuesday and of course Thursday of next week. We're going to try to do something together on Sunday with out the kids. Brevy, these days is a trip. He needs to be in school. I'm ready to hand in his paper work, but Charles wants me to wait until the flu passes. Once he gets in kindergarten I think he's going to have a real rough time adjusting, because he hasn't had much experience in a school setting. I really would like to get him in something now so he knows what to expect. It's still my worst nightmare; the kids going to a NM school. It's not what I wanted for them. At least they're getting a feel of it at Sunday school, I guess. It's way too early to be up and blogging. :-P~
Yeah, well once he gets in kindergarten there isn't much you can do. You can't keep your kid home because everyone else is sick. It sucks, but he's going to get sick, because he's not used to all those germs. (run on- i know.) After some time passes I'm turning in his paper work. He needs to be in school. You'll see when your home with him on Saturday. Then, you'll know what I'm talking about, babe. He's awful!!!!!!
Yes, I am glad you and I, will get away on Sunday. How long is she planning on watching them? All weekend would be nice! lol. Love you....
Posted by
Hillary |
1/12/2006 10:37:00 AM
Yeah, I agree. I hope he listens to the teach is all.. The other day we read 10 books and they still wanted more. lol.
Thanks Colette. ;-)
Yeah, the flu is pretty bad now and I don't want them to get sick. I know they will soon after they start, but we'll try to provent it for now.
Posted by
Hillary |
1/17/2006 01:09:00 PM