Aiy's Birthday
Charles, got home and we quickly left the house to get the balloons, cake, and other last minute party items while Grandma watched the kids. When we got back Grandpa was also there. Then, it was off to get the pizza while I stayed to pass out plates and get ready for pizza. Yummy! Right before Daddy got back Aiyana came. By then Brevy and Bones were racing around the house with the balloons and Bones hit her head on the sofa. I knew it was going to happen, but they wouldn't listen. They settled down some after that. Daddy, came home with four pizza's and we sat down to eat. Brevy, said grace really loudly and again stole the show. After pizza the kids were energized and decided to attack me. What did I do? Ugh! So, this went on for some time. We tickled and giggled until we were all tired. Then, it was cake time. Like they needed something else to get them more hyper! It was really good cake, too. I had two pieces! I'm a piggy! Aiyana, got some really cool clay for her birthday from her uncle so we broke that open and all decided to make something. They kept them busy for a long time. Meanwhile, the guys watched the football game. That's when Brevy decided to beat up Uncle Rod. He's so naughty I'm telling you! I walked into the living room and saw him hit his uncle in the face. WHAT IN THE WORLD IS THIS KID THINKING? I yelled at him, but that's besides the point. Next his uncle was showing him how to arm wrestle. Boys are so weird! He should have taught Brevy the difference between football and basketball. Brevy, calls everything "basketball." He's such a girl! Anyway, everyone left at 10pm! 10pm!!! Wow, that's the longest they've ever stayed for a party. They were all having so much fun! By the time we got the kids in bed it was close to 10:30pm and Aiy seemed uneasy to go to bed. Five minutes later she comes down the stairs and started crying saying, "this is the best birthday I've ever had!" Which made me then tear up. After cuddles we tried tucking her back in, only for her to come out again. This went on and on until a good 2 am, She watched t.v for a little while longer, that didn't work. She was in her room and came out, because she said she couldn't fall asleep. Then, it was bad dreams. Then it was the cat was bothering her. I was exhausted and Charles and I, started to get "stern" with her and told her to go to sleep. I put the cat in the bathroom and attempted to go to sleep. That thankfully was the last time she got up. Brevy and Bones, never get up when they are sleeping. This is something I have never had to deal with. Only with Aiyana that is. She was awful! I think it's because she's on vacation from school and is used to staying up late at her house. Not going to happen in this house. I thought the 10:30pm was late enough. Usually they are in bed way earlier than that!!! Ugh! So, I'm tired from the busy night. The kids on the other hand have a TON of energy and are now playing with the cat. I hope I have enough energy to keep up today...Wish me luck!
You got it babe! It was fun for me too. Too bad we didn't get much sleep that night though. That was the only BAD part. lol...
Posted by
Hillary |
1/06/2006 11:02:00 AM