A good, long day...
A day off, what could be better?! It was much needed. Although this week went by quickly, I really needed to relax and breathe. The kids and I, played a lot today. We sprayed down the house and slide and cleaned it with bleach. I still say she picked up something from the yucky dirt that settled on it (even though we washed it before she got the pink eye, there's lots of bacteria in it.) It's now been sanitized and hopefully we will see no more pink eyes around here. We decorated the dive way with new fresh chalk pictures of snakes and mice this time. The kids had a blast laughing at their pictures after they were done. We made cheese burgers for dinner and the kids actually ate them. That's a first time for hamburgers, wow. We ordered a movie on pay per view that I really don't like, but there wasn't anything else to watch. The one day I want to see a good movie, there wasn't anything on. GRRR...It's my only night to watch one, too. I should have went down the street to rent one, but I didn't want to use the van. It's leaking some fluid (again) and it really smells when you walk past it. I think it's getting worse. Charles, is going to drive it to work tomorrow after we take the kids to their dental appointments and after I go to my cafe sale. Hopefully, it won't cost an arm and a leg to fix. I hate to even think of the thought. Tomorrow is going to be a really hot day, 85! I can't wait until Mother's Day. Hopefully, they don't schedule me for extra hours. They're so unfair at my job. I can't call in anymore so everything has to be pre-requested. I requested Mother's Day off, but since Sunday isn't a normal day for me to work they put me on a waiting list. It's a precaution in case they schedule extra hours. *Sigh* It would be so depressing to have to work on Mother's Day. They should make the young girls work that don't have kids. My son said he was going to get me dolphin earrings. LOL. He's so cute. He doesn't have a dime to his name either. LOL. Kids! Oh, I forgot to mention his latest boo-boo...He turned off the refrigerator. Yeah...That's right. Marisa, was watching them on Tuesday. Brevy told me she went upstairs and he grabbed the stool and turned the button off. I noticed today when I went to get some ice nothing but water came out. I thought I hit the water instead (because it is a side by side) and no much to my surprise it was the ice. I opened the door and saw everything had icicles. I thought, "oh great someone left the freezer open." I asked the kids if anyone left it open and they said, "Daddy did!" I call Charles, and ask him and he thought he left it open putting the groceries away last night and apologized. About 5 minutes later I thought, well it's not humming like it usually does. I open the door and look at the button and sure enough it was off. I asked Brevy, "Why is this off?" He admitted to it right away and told me the whole story. I made him call back his daddy and apologize for blaming him and explained the importance of having a cold and working fridge. UGH KIDS! Every week there is something that goes on. I can't leave the house for nothing!!! Eh, anyway...It was a good day. We had a lot of laughs and I did bones' nails. She's happy now! We read our good night stories and I'm glad I get some quite time. Charles, should be home soon and then we're watching LOST! Only 4 more episodes!!! AHHH!!!! Good night!
No updates! :(
Happy Mother's Day!
Posted by
J |
5/14/2006 11:56:00 PM
Thanks Jen! Yeah, sorry...I've been working like crazy and just tired all the time.
Posted by
Hillary |
5/15/2006 10:37:00 AM
Thanks Babe. You did well...don't worry. All I really wanted was to be home with you guys. I saw you here and there and it just sucked. Plus, work is a stressful place right now. I love you.
Posted by
Hillary |
5/15/2006 10:38:00 AM