Princess has a fever
Today is my day off. Amen. Saturday ,I worked until Midnight and then they had the nerve to schedule me on my day off. So, I got 4 extra hours from 8-12am again last night. Ugh. This morning we woke up late and Brevy reminded me that the "bug guy" was coming. How I forget these things so easily. So, we got dressed and ate breakfast. After he was done we went outside for some fresh air. I got a chance to talk to my mom and watch the kids play in their house and slide (we just put it together yesterday!) They finally have some stuff to entertain them now. When it was time for the kids to come in Miss. Bones, wasn't acting right. She was fussing and saying she hit her eye one the house. She looked a little weird...Like something wasn't right, like there was more wrong then her eye. I brought her in and washed her up. Her eye seems to be irritated like she's got allergies. We gave her some allergy medicine and a snack. As I watched her, she didn't seem enthused about eating and this girl is always enthused about eating. I asked her, "what's wrong?" she said, she was cold and started shivering. I closed the sliding door and felt her head. I thought, maybe she has a fever. Aiy, was over yesterday and brought her germs with her; as she always does. Aiy, was sick with a cold and I knew she'd get the kids sick. Sure enough...Little princess has a fever! 102.6! Ugh....Here we go again. Will someone pray for us, because there's just one thing after another and THANK YOU, in advance. She took some meds and is napping now. When I get her up I'm going to give her a cool bath and see if it brings her temperature down a bit. I knew this was coming though. We miss Aiyana, because she never comes over anymore. I don't miss the germs though. We had so much fun yesterday. We planted the rest of the plants that I purchased from Walmart. We put together Brevy and Bones' play house and slide. Charles, fixed the break lights on the mini van (YAY! Now I won't get hit from behind!) We got a lot accomplished and I even went to work. At work we have a new beauty boutique. I took one phone call (a good one at that) and my supervisor pulled me off and told me to log out. I was thinking,"oh great...What now?!" Then, I noticed she was doing it to a few people...So I thought, this can't be that bad. She took us to a beauty room and told us to open up whatever we wanted and try it out for yourself. Nice! Free samples and tons of makeup. It was nice, because I didn't have any makeup on so I left looking pretty much together. LOL. I rarely wear the stuff anymore. Who has the time? I sure don't! Oh well, it was fun. We got paid for playing in makeup; it doesn't get better than that. Today, is a mellow day. I'm worried about my princess (she addresses herself as one.) :) I'm sure she'll be fine, just fighting off a bug. We could use some prayers, that's for sure...
Yeah. I knew it too. She was coughing a lot yesterday and I knew one if not both kids would in fact get sick. She'll be okay. She's drinking a lot and looks better than earlier.
I love you, too.
Posted by
Hillary |
5/01/2006 08:05:00 PM
I hope she feels better!
Sounds like fun at work! When we were there a few weeks ago they were giving out samples of lotion. I don't remember what it was called - supermodel something. supermodel sexy? lol...all I remember is that it was blue!
Is the backyard all done? I can't wait to see it! We'll be out there in a few weeks and I'm renting a car! :)
Posted by
J |
5/02/2006 01:39:00 PM
Thanks Nenny! :)
Yeah, it was a nice hour to just try everything out. There is so much out there, different vendors...I'm still learning all the names myself. lol.
Yeah, the backyard is done and it looks nice. All they need to do is bring in the cement truck and pour the cement down. I dunno if they are going to do it, but we're still buggin' them about it. lol.
I can't wait until you come out. It's exciting!!! I keep thinking about what we can actually do. There's got to be something!!! hehe...:)
Posted by
Hillary |
5/02/2006 02:53:00 PM
Yeah, It was so much fun!!!
Aw, pink eye? Poor things...How did they get that?
Yeah, she's fine now and back to being naughty, bossing brevy around, and not listening. lol.
Posted by
Hillary |
5/04/2006 03:36:00 PM