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I haven't updated, because in my little world things are just completely crazy. I haven't had time to sit down and breathe even. EVEN FOR MOTHER'S DAY!!! UGH...Working all weekend. Saturday was awful. I actually stayed at work until Midnight. I haven't done that in a long time. Usually, they let us go with VTO. No VTO Saturday... It was call after call. You couldn't breathe in between, let alone take a sip of your drink. Mayhem. I am so sick of that place! I feel like I live there. Nothing is ever good enough. It's a challenge. Everything has to be perfect. Your AOS has to be +25.01 above company. You're AHT has to be 300 seconds. Your home and escapes combined has to be 17% and your Olps has to be 16%. Ugh! They expect all of that and barley spending time with the customer. It's hard! If your not up to par, they send you a written warning. It's a lot of crap, that's for sure. So, I was exhausted on Saturday then I had to drive home. For Mother's Day I also had to work. I barley saw my kids, because Charles was back and forth to Jemez all weekend plus I worked. He had his "last" basketball tournament. He's having knee surgery next week and claims he'll never play again. Of course he'll play again...He's so not believing that and neither am I. He loves it! He'd play no matter what, I think! That's good! It's a passion! Anyway, so both Saturday and Sunday the kids were back and forth to Jemez. They got to see G'ma (of course), their uncle Rod and family, and also their naughty "cousins." They had a blast! G'ma Virg, also spent the night at our house on Saturday. They had tons of fun! She went to church with them on Saturday night and also with us on Sunday morning. I didn't want to wake up. It was one of those things were you wanted to go to church, but you didn't want to get out of bed. It was hard, but Pastor had a wonderful message for Mother's everywhere. It was a tearful message, but really good. After church yesterday, we came home and Charles, made all of us a wonderful breakfast. I also got a beautiful cactus/palm looking plant from Virginia. Charles, got me a ton of planting flowers and a huge round coconut hanging planter to put them in. It's really beautiful. It's a huge project that I can't wait to start on. We threw the kids outside, because at bible study they gave the kids horns to blow and make a bunch of noise. I could of killed them!!! Why would they do that to all the mothers? Ugh...So, he was happily blowing is raggedy horn outside waking up all the neighbors. LOL. Oh well...I threw it in the garbage last night when I got home. Shh...He doesn't know! :) So, anyway we were all lazy after eating breakfast and just layed around. Marisa, showed up and brought G'ma flowers. They went shopping and left me and Charles, to take a short nap with the kids. Then, I went to work and he and the kids went back to Jemez for more basketball. I left work at 8:20pm from work, my extra hours were until 10:30pm, but I couldn't take it anymore. It was call after call again. Same as Saturday.Oh well. I plan on looking for something else. I don't know what, but just something else. Charles, had dinner waiting for me when I got home. We just relaxed and spent some well needed time together watching Reba and lounging. We're taking Marisa, out to eat on Tuesday for all her hard work. I still can't believe she's graduating on Wednesday. Aiyana, is supposed to be sleeping over so we can all go together. My body feels like I've been run over by a truck. No matter how much sleep I get, I still don't feel right. Stress can do a number on ya! That's all my news...HAPPY BELATED MOTHER'S DAY TO ALL YOU MOM'S OUT THERE!!
yuck. phone jobs like that suck. i remember when i worked at the telefund and symphony there were all these strange quotas that you had to meet...and it's hard! and they get mad if you don't sell enough! and midnight is late...
maybe it is time for a change!
Posted by
J |
5/15/2006 12:12:00 PM
Yeah, I think it is time for a change. I don't know where, but maybe somewhere else.
Posted by
Hillary |
5/15/2006 12:18:00 PM
Oh of course I'd something else before hand. silly. Just burnt out and need a day off to just breathe and do some things that I want to do. (i.e Gardening). LOVE YOU, TOO!
Posted by
Hillary |
5/15/2006 03:50:00 PM