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Tuesday, April 15, 2008 

Can we say, "STRESS?"

OH YEAH! Lately, that's all it's been around here. My son has had a fever since Saturday night. It may be the flu because he's got body aches and is sensitive to the light. He fusses to eat or drink anything. It's pretty frustrating, because as a parent you just want him better. That's one issue.

I'm always stressed with the whole moving my mom to NM. We were looking at costs and OH MY is all I have to say. We looked at every option, driving, flying and a combo of both. Everything is a lot of money. Plus, there's the dreaded garage that they had. They stored stuff in there for 15 years from their prior apartment. One word: YUCK! The garage my dad had was like the only one at the time in Burgh and is falling apart. It's not air conditioned or heated. EW! I hate to see what condition that stuff is in now. My mom is planning on getting some people to help her get it all out this week (supposedly). We'll see how that goes. I can't imagine bringing any of that stuff back with her. Especially to my house that's only 2 years old and in great condition. It's just a lot of crap to deal with and a little overwhelming. It's hard to do stuff when I love more than 2,000 miles from her. Friends have offered to help, but when it really comes down to it, will they be there? I sure hope so! We need all the help we can get.

Baby, is having a men's conference in Jemez tonight. He won't be home until late which really sucks, because there's no one to talk to.

I did happen to buy myself Mariah Carey's new album today though. She's got an awesome song on there, "BYE BYE" and it really speaks to me. Her father also passed away and listening to that song helps. Music helps in general, actually.

It's just a bunch of crap going on here lately and I really feel like just screaming, but because that won't make anything better...I'm just digging in. ;-P I know the Lord will provide and I know I just need to be still. I'm sure I'll have more to write on these issues soon. Stay tuned.

I'm sorry you were stressed on Tuesday. It didn't help that I had to be here. My bad! I love you though... We'll get through it all... We'll have your mom here with us real soon. Just gotta get all the logistics right. I love you ma!

Yeah, it's the logistics that I keep worrying about. I just want it to be over with. I know I don't have any patience and I'm trying, but with everything else there is to deal with, it's really hard.

This is true. We'll get it all figured out, don't worry to much. I love you.

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  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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