Brevin, this boy is full of so much energy. He reminds me of myself when I was younger....But as I say, he's the BOY version of me. He loves to talk and drive us all crazy. I can remember a time when my parents picked me up from my babysitters (I know, pa - I tell this story all the time) and I got in the back and I must have talking and going on and on....And my mom turns around and says, "You haven't stopped talking since you got in this car, my god! What got into you?" And she seemed I just remember being so happy, I couldn't shut up- I guess. Ha. That's exactly how Brevin is. He gets up talking and screaming at the top of his lungs...That's how I wake up...The very loud sound of Brevin and Aamya hollering at each other. Ugh...But it's bitter sweet, because that's kind of what my mom went through. If you ask her today what kind of a child was Hillary? She'll tell ya nothing but good things. I was a good baby!!! How come I got stuck with two lil naughty ones? hahah...That's why I always need to say, thanks mom for putting up with me and my crap! I still think I was a pretty good kid and a teen. Teens these days scare me. I don't know half of the things there talking about... Brevin and Aamya, will have a bunch of different things to deal with...It's sad that it keeps getting worse in our schools...I just heard the other day that a middle school child brought a bunch of drugs (crack) with him to school. These are babies we're talking about. It breaks my heart. It's really sad. We need to raise our children to make good decisions and to overcome our temptations...
Hey baby, yep that's our son alright. He keeps things fun though. Well most of the time he does. Way to much energy. Good pic of him too. I love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
1/13/2005 01:16:00 PM