Today, kids are much different than when I was a little girl (which wasn't that long ago.) Now-a-days you can't even send your children to school with out them being truly safe. You think of school as a "safe learning environment" for your children. Just a couple of days ago here in NM another mother thought the same thing, until her son (a child) came home with whip marks all over his back. The parents are outraged! Who did it? No one knows, because the kid isn't talking. Or what about the Minn. Shooting on the reservation? You send you kids off to school in confidence that they are learning valuable information to strive in today's society, only to then learn something tragic has happened...? Are children safe and out of harms way in school? Even with metal detectors and security guards, are children really safe? Apparently, not! For the kids that do these vicious acts,...There probably are no words...As parents, I can imagine would be thinking- what did I do wrong?? I think there are things leading up to these acts. Is it the child that should be held accountable? I think so! Personally, when a child takes another child's life, they should be punished for life. It's just so sad! All you ever hear on the news are the shootings, fights, and bulling that happen in our schools where our children are going everyday. I mean, these are just "babies"...Children...To think that someday soon I will have to put my own children into school, scares me to death. Just the thought that, for the first time my son and daughter won't be in MY care for most of the day, freaks me out. And there's nothing you can do about it, or is there? On Wifeswap (an abc show) A father, two daughters and a wife lived in a RV and have home schooled their children since day one. They also never spent too much time in one place, always moving around. The father thought he was sheltering his daughters from the violence and drugs that go on in school. You hear a story like that and think, "Is he crazy? You can't do that!" The girls will eventually be exposed to it all at one point in their lives. Don't you have to trust your children to make good choices? hmmm...Yeah, that sounds good, but what about the violence? Well, in the real world there is violence everywhere. UGH! So, what's a parent to do? Is the father crazy for taking his children away from that? Or is he just living out his own dream by traveling everywhere and not thinking about his children's education at all? One day as mother's, father's, grandparents/ guardian's we're going to have to release our small children into the hands of strangers and trust that the school will protect them and "handle things." That doesn't sit well with me at all. It's a scary thought! Then, you think well there's always home schooling. Then, you're children don't experience all the negative at school, but at the same time they are isolated and don't experience the "good" either. What's a parent to do? Is private school any better? It sure does cost enough, but are your children any safer? Can a child walk in there and do the same violent acts that they do in public schools? Madness! Are the parents/guardians to blame for the madness? Or is it the children that decide they will take the lives of others? One thing I know is, something needs to change. Something has got to be done. I believe it starts in the home when the children are little. They need to be taught not to solve things with violence. They need guidance. They need us to be there, that's a parent's job! Whether it's the parenting or not-- children make choices everyday at school and some of those choices impact the lives of others, forever.
Those are some good questions you raised babe. Things have definitely got to change. You're doing a masterful job with Brev and Bones by teaching them to be independent and caring. Hopefully by the time they get into school socieety will have gotten better. Let's hope. Love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/01/2005 09:32:00 AM
Yeah, it's really scary. I try and will always try to invest in them everything I possibly can. I have lots of hope...I hope that todays socitey does change. Love you, too
Posted by
Hillary |
4/01/2005 12:33:00 PM
Interesting thoughts. I think it's partly due to the parents, but also due to the culture we live in. We are so accepting of violence (think of the media, think of our country going and killing millions of innocent people around the world) that kids think that it's ok or normal to act that way. How much can you really blame children for acting out the only thing they know? (Obviously not all children are like this and there are parents that do a very good job of raising their children.) Anyway, you brought up sone really interesting thoughts. And you're doing a fabulous job raising your kids. And all that we can do is make our own corner of the world a better place. :)
Posted by
J |
4/03/2005 10:02:00 AM
Exactly! :-)
Posted by
Hillary |
4/04/2005 09:08:00 PM