Not bad, not bad at all...
Today, is going pretty well. I got some things accomplished! I went to work out this afternoon at my gym. I took the kids to the day care and worked out for 30 minutes on the treadmill. I needed it! LOL~ Then, I went to Subway and got a sandwich. I'll have to work that off tomorrow. LOL....Just kidding. I just want to get toned. After having two kids, being toned went down the drain. I can't afford to loose weight. So, that's my goal. The kids liked playing at the day care. It freaked me out. I went in there and there were kids everywhere. The lady watching them was screaming at these two older children (who probably knew better, but they were having a ball watching her get frustrated.) I signed the kids in and looked at her...She needed a break. I told her that the kids are new and asked if there was anything else I needed to sign. She gave me this waver. AHHHH! And another form asking about the kids. YIKES. I asked if she was the only one watching the kids, she did say- "NO!" So, that was good news. Brev and Meesa, took off. They weren't worried at all, piece of cake for them. Meesa, has never been around other children. So, that was a first for her. She just kinda looked around and found a kitchen set to play with (similar to hers) and was happy. Brev, took off for the "jungle house thingy" and so much for a "bye mama!" So, after watching them for a couple of minutes, I told the lady (EVA- made sure to get her name) that I was really nervous about leaving them. She laughed and said that they'll be okay. I told her I won't be long. After my intense mile and a half truck on the treadmill...I quickly scurried on over to the day care where I found Brev, with a little grocery cart filled with dinosaurs and Meesa was playing with a little 1 year old. So, I guess they did okay. The lady (Eva) said Brev, cried for a second and then was fine again. They were ready to go home. When we got home it was nap time. Brev, exclaimed how he couldn't wait to go back to the day care. It was a new experience for Meesa and she didn't seem to mind too much. It's actually good for them to get away from me for a little while and it's good for them to interact with other children. The environment that they provide is a little overwhelming though. Especially, if your kids have never been to preschool. Brev, has gone to preschool for a couple of months, but Meesa hasn't. The kids were all different ages in one room (usually a no- no) and it seemed like disorganized play. Nothing really going on, except for children running everywhere. So, it was nerve-wracking. Also, as I busted my big 'ole butt on the treadmill they continued to page a parent over the loud speaker, at least 4 times. That freaked me out. I was thinking, well either he's over his two hour limit and they want his kid out of there. OR his kid is being really naughty and they aren't going to put up with his crap anymore. Interesting! That made me even more apprehensive and started to really "work it" on the treadmill. Almost like, if I walked really fast, I'd be that much closer to getting them out of there. True...It all worked out though. Phhhuuuu -That was close. So, after eating my yummy sandwich, I called my mom to catch up on things with her. She's doing well. She stopped drinking for the time being. I hope she keeps it up. She needs to for herself. Now, it's hailing outside. I don't understand Spring time. Isn't it supposed to be nice? I mean, in NM at least...NY was colder than hell yesterday, but I mean, it's NY! I at least expect NM to have good weather. I've been spoiled with nothing but really awesome weather here...Until now. It's cold, over caste right now and it has the nerve to be hailing. I don't get it! ?>Well, at least I don't have to go outside for anything. Aiyana, will be coming over later. (WOW AND THE HAIL IS COMING DOWN!) I applied for two jobs on Friday. I just found out I have a job interview tomorrow. So, that will be fun! I need to get out with the community, again. LOL. It's especially good while we wait on our impending wedding. So, that's that! It was a pretty good day. We'll see what the evening has in store for us as Aiyana makes up her mind about sleeping over. There's a lot to do around the house...So, I better get to it!
Wow Ma! Sounds like you have a very eventful day. I'm proud of you for going to the gym and doing something for yourself. I'm glad the kids had fun as well. The job interview will be a piece of cake tomorrow, don't fret. I love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
5/03/2005 06:45:00 PM
I did have an eventful day. Thanks! I've been wanting to go... I didn't want to use my free passes though. Now I don't have to. Those are for you so we can go together. Remember what ya said?! Now with your knee- we'll have to see what the PT says. I love you. <<3 <3 <<3 <3 <<3 <3 <<3 <3 <<3 <3
Posted by
Hillary |
5/03/2005 06:59:00 PM
oh and I'm not going to fret about the interview. I'm just apprehensive about the whole thing. *smile*
Posted by
Hillary |
5/04/2005 10:00:00 AM