What a CrAzY night...
Today, was my day off. YAY! I finally got a day where I can just relax and not rush to get dressed and ready for work and leave for the rest of the night. I was happy about it, too. I woke up really late, which is something I usually don't get to do. After Meesa, ate her breakfast it was time to get dressed and put her big girl panties on. This was our last and final shot at full potty training her. She's ready...She hasn't had an "accident" in a long time. We threw the pull-ups away and she put on her princess panties.There was no turning back after this. She was proud, too! Amen, Girl! After that I decided she needed a reward for being such a big girl. I blew up her Dora chair that we got her, for her birthday. It's been sitting in the closet ever since. Grrrrr..Now she'll put it to good use. Brevy, was excited and wanted his SpongeBob blown up as well. After all the excitement we eventured in the cold to get the mail. Brevy, rode his scooter and us girls, walked slowly while bracing ourselves in the wind. Why did we decide to do that? I have no idea!!! Anyway, the kiddies were due for a nap after all the afternoon excitement. Getting them up from nap wasn't as easy...LOL. We made cute Christmas trees with plenty of decoration. They had fun and were excited to see Daddy come home so they could show all their hard work to him. A short while later Aiy came and it was time for dinner. We were having Baby's famous fried chicken. YUM! After dinner, things got crazy. The kids were hyper. It was the LEMON, I'M TELLING YOU. (inside joke...) Moving on...They couldn't sit still, be still, or even stop talking. I decided we'd go upstairs and watch Charlie Brown's Christmas...We got the bean bags, blankets, and pillows and sat in front of the t.v. I laughed like crazy. It was really cute. It's been awhile since I watched that show. LOL. It used to be one of my all time favorites! Then, it was attack who's-ever on the bed. They pounced, kicked and jumped all over us for at least 30 minutes. When it got too rowdy I kicked them one by one off of the bed. That didn't stop them and they came back for more. Brevy, had another idea and grabbed my legs and pulled me down with him. There I was on the floor...Then, Meesa came next and finally Aiy all on top of me. LOL. They are crazy, I tell ya!!!! No more lemon for them. So, this went on until poor Daddy had a headache. I sent them to their rooms to clean and put away all the comfy blanket mess. Two seconds later we were all down stairs. It took them 15 minutes to get in their chairs to drink their milk. Why? Because Brevy and Aiy, were playing "Batman." A game where they "play fight." Aiy, is always Joker! Brevy, is always Batman! It's really funny most of the time. They aren't supposed to have real contact just hit and miss, type stuff. Brevy, really gets this mind set and thinks he really IS Batman. AiyDiosMio! Meesa, tries to get in on it. Aiy, just touches her head and she falls down. They are too crazy!! It was hard getting them to settle down after all that playtime. *sigh* It was a busy night to say the least...In all the commotion I forgot to call my cousin back. Oops...I've been saying it all week that I'll call him. I thought for sure I'd have time after baby got home. Who knew we'd be making Christmas trees...And having so much "fun." I'm tried now. Contacts are all dry. LOL. Oh well...Hopefully they are fully asleep now...All to do it all over again tomorrow night. Only thing is, I won't be around. Poor Daddy! Aiy, will be here, too. Aww....Hope you have enough energy to put up with these crazy kids, Baby! :-} G'night!!!
They're YOUR kids.
Love ya, more.
Posted by
Hillary |
12/09/2005 03:46:00 PM