The Best $15 I have spent...
Today I started my Bible study class. It's a two hour course once a week at my church. I bought the book today that goes along with the DVD we'll be watching. It's called, "Living Beyond Yourself" by Beth Moore. It's about exploring the fruit of the spirit. We got into it the second hour of the course and it's already starting to get good. We have to complete 5 lessons each probably taking about 35-45 minutes due next Tuesday. I'm excited! The kids went to day care and completed a project. When I went to pick them up they had received stickers for being good. Wow! We put their art projects on the refrigerator, as we always do. The kids were happy and had a lot of questions for me as to why I was at church on a weekday. They're really "quick" these kids. So I explained to them that I am taking a class to learn more about our Lord Jesus and have homework to do afterwards. Hehe... Right now they are taking their nap and I'm going to get started. I just haven't blogged in a while and wanted to come on and tell the whole world how I'm doing these days.
Sunday, was great! It couldn't have been a better day. We went to church in the morning and for once we didn't have to rush. Aiy was going to be sleeping over at a friends house and wouldn't be coming over. After church we got some breakfast sandwiches and headed home. Shortly after Grandma came to watch the kids and Charles and I, quickly left. We headed to eat at P.F Changs, like we planned. We ate well and had good conversation. Then, it was off to the mall to watch Tristan and Isolde. First we'd do some shopping. I picked up a really cute white jacket with fur on the hood and some basic shirts. We watched the movie in the mall so it was really convenient. We sat down to what was a fully packed theater with children all around. The movie starts and I'm looking around at all the kids. I thought it was strange to see so many kids in the movie that we were about to watch. I looked at Charles and said, "Aren't there a lot of kids in here? That's weird! Are we in the right movie?" He thought it was weird too and went to go check the sign. It turns out we were in Narnia. I knew it! We were laughing so hard. We scrambled to get our things and head to the right movie this time. LOL. It turned out to be a really good movie, if you like those type of Mid-evil movies...Go see it! When I am still thinking about the movie the next day, I know it's good. The good movies seem to stick with you. So, besides that I've just been working. Nothing exciting, same thing at work. I'm doing well with my numbers so that's good. I'm way above company! I'm not too worried there.
I'm just going to be focusing on exploring the fruit of the spirit and learning a lot these next 11 weeks. It's the best $15 I've spent!
Sunday, was great! It couldn't have been a better day. We went to church in the morning and for once we didn't have to rush. Aiy was going to be sleeping over at a friends house and wouldn't be coming over. After church we got some breakfast sandwiches and headed home. Shortly after Grandma came to watch the kids and Charles and I, quickly left. We headed to eat at P.F Changs, like we planned. We ate well and had good conversation. Then, it was off to the mall to watch Tristan and Isolde. First we'd do some shopping. I picked up a really cute white jacket with fur on the hood and some basic shirts. We watched the movie in the mall so it was really convenient. We sat down to what was a fully packed theater with children all around. The movie starts and I'm looking around at all the kids. I thought it was strange to see so many kids in the movie that we were about to watch. I looked at Charles and said, "Aren't there a lot of kids in here? That's weird! Are we in the right movie?" He thought it was weird too and went to go check the sign. It turns out we were in Narnia. I knew it! We were laughing so hard. We scrambled to get our things and head to the right movie this time. LOL. It turned out to be a really good movie, if you like those type of Mid-evil movies...Go see it! When I am still thinking about the movie the next day, I know it's good. The good movies seem to stick with you. So, besides that I've just been working. Nothing exciting, same thing at work. I'm doing well with my numbers so that's good. I'm way above company! I'm not too worried there.
I'm just going to be focusing on exploring the fruit of the spirit and learning a lot these next 11 weeks. It's the best $15 I've spent!
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Posted by
Hillary |
1/18/2006 08:45:00 AM
Yes, it was!!!
Wow, I want free movie passes. Lucky guys! Well, have a wonderful time. If Jen stays awake, that
Happy New Year, to you! Oh, I'm sure you just picked up a common germ on the way home. Think positive!!!! It's not the bird flu!!!! Feel better soon though.
Posted by
Hillary |
1/18/2006 08:47:00 AM