I can't wait for Sunday. Sunday, I don't have to work and Charles and I, are going on a date. YAY!!!! It's much needed. I can't wait to eat at P. F. Changs...My favorite place, eva! Then, we're going to catch a movie...Either "Tristan and Isolde" (which I want to see) or "Glory Road" (which baby wants to see.) He agreed to watch my movie, but now I kind of want to see his movie. LOL. So, I guess we'll figure it out and just have a good time. It's been forever since we had a day alone, I won't know how to act. We haven't spent time alone since the Christmas party together. I'm excited!!!!
Today, there's work though. I work until Midnight. Baby went in this morning at his second job and gets home around 1pm. I go to work at 3:30pm. Ugh. I'll be glad next week, I'm actually off.
I was getting rid of more boxes yesterday. We have a few left stacked neatly in the garage. I was putting some books away and just trying to straighten things. We got rid of like 7 boxes yesterday. It looks much better in the garage now. I cleaned out the car yesterday as well. It took me an HOUR, an hour just to clean a car? That was one DIRTY and GROSS car! I new it was messy, but when I went to get Brevy out of his car seat, I took a look at the floor right under him. He had crushed crackers everywhere, spilled juice marks; I mean NASTY! Don't ya know he got in that car and took all his junk out, his papers he had thrown on the floor, everything. I told him, he made the mess now he has to clean it. The vacuuming took forever. I'm posting a sign that says, "No Food! No Drink!" in the mini van. It's ridiculous! They think they don't have to clean up after themselves. I have news for them! They are old enough to do so. Ugh! The car looks brand new now and it's going to stay like that. I'm not riding around in a dirty, disgusting, van. Ew! So, I got a lot accomplished yesterday. Then, my mother in law came over by surprise to see the kids. It was weird, because we were just talking about her. I told Brevy that he should tell his Grandma that he actually ate an enchiladas and that she'd be so proud. He answered with, "well give me the phone!" Two seconds later the door bell rings and it's Grandma! Wow! Talk about good timing!
Lilly had a doctor's appointment yesterday. She got a booster shot and a shot for her ears. She did well! I asked the vet some questions about alternatives to de-clawing. I knew de-clawing sounded cruel, but when I googled it yesterday to read up on what they actually do...It was not something I was going to do to Lilly. That's awful! Can you imagine de-clawing you? No! So, I've been training her. She likes to jump up on the table and tear up and down our new curtains. The vet said to put double sided tape on the curtains and she won't do it anymore. Can you imagine? I guess I have to try something if I want my curtains to last. They're so pretty, too. Ugh! So, we're working on it. She's such a sweet and playful kitty. She'll learn!
Brevy, was good yesterday. Actually good all day. Maybe it was because we woke him up at 6am, but he behaved all day. I was so surprised. This morning he didn't slam his door after going to the bathroom. Maybe he's starting to actually get it. Maybe he's sick of Meesa getting all his toys when he's naughty. I think it's finally working. Yessssssssssssssssssssss!
Today, there's work though. I work until Midnight. Baby went in this morning at his second job and gets home around 1pm. I go to work at 3:30pm. Ugh. I'll be glad next week, I'm actually off.
I was getting rid of more boxes yesterday. We have a few left stacked neatly in the garage. I was putting some books away and just trying to straighten things. We got rid of like 7 boxes yesterday. It looks much better in the garage now. I cleaned out the car yesterday as well. It took me an HOUR, an hour just to clean a car? That was one DIRTY and GROSS car! I new it was messy, but when I went to get Brevy out of his car seat, I took a look at the floor right under him. He had crushed crackers everywhere, spilled juice marks; I mean NASTY! Don't ya know he got in that car and took all his junk out, his papers he had thrown on the floor, everything. I told him, he made the mess now he has to clean it. The vacuuming took forever. I'm posting a sign that says, "No Food! No Drink!" in the mini van. It's ridiculous! They think they don't have to clean up after themselves. I have news for them! They are old enough to do so. Ugh! The car looks brand new now and it's going to stay like that. I'm not riding around in a dirty, disgusting, van. Ew! So, I got a lot accomplished yesterday. Then, my mother in law came over by surprise to see the kids. It was weird, because we were just talking about her. I told Brevy that he should tell his Grandma that he actually ate an enchiladas and that she'd be so proud. He answered with, "well give me the phone!" Two seconds later the door bell rings and it's Grandma! Wow! Talk about good timing!
Lilly had a doctor's appointment yesterday. She got a booster shot and a shot for her ears. She did well! I asked the vet some questions about alternatives to de-clawing. I knew de-clawing sounded cruel, but when I googled it yesterday to read up on what they actually do...It was not something I was going to do to Lilly. That's awful! Can you imagine de-clawing you? No! So, I've been training her. She likes to jump up on the table and tear up and down our new curtains. The vet said to put double sided tape on the curtains and she won't do it anymore. Can you imagine? I guess I have to try something if I want my curtains to last. They're so pretty, too. Ugh! So, we're working on it. She's such a sweet and playful kitty. She'll learn!
Brevy, was good yesterday. Actually good all day. Maybe it was because we woke him up at 6am, but he behaved all day. I was so surprised. This morning he didn't slam his door after going to the bathroom. Maybe he's starting to actually get it. Maybe he's sick of Meesa getting all his toys when he's naughty. I think it's finally working. Yessssssssssssssssssssss!
Thanks Babe. Love ya too.
Posted by
Hillary |
1/17/2006 01:01:00 PM
Awww.........I hope you get your date, Jess.
Posted by
Hillary |
1/17/2006 01:02:00 PM
COLETTE~!!! I'm so glad you're back! I was praying you'd make it back safely. Yes, my blog has missed you. hehe....:)I can't wait to hear all about your trip. I'll be checking your blog, I'm sure you'll post it there. :-)
Posted by
Hillary |
1/17/2006 01:04:00 PM