Easter was such a great day. Isn't it a great feeling to know that our Lord lives?! That is just so powerful in itself. We woke up Easter morning and scrambled to get the kids Easter stuff in order. I worked on Saturday night and forgot all about it when I came home. It would have been a perfect time to do it, too. Good thing the kids slept late. :) Then, we got them up and they went down stairs to see their gifts (two each.) They were excited and wanted to play, but it was time to eat breakfast and get read for church. We did just that! The kids sat with us, because they were dressed up and I didn't want them outside tearing up their clothes. Plus, I wanted them to hear what Easter was really about. As our Pastor got the messages across, Bones was shaking her head and answering the Pastor. It was the cutest thing. She was really listening. If you ask her what Easter is, she'll tell you what the true meaning is. It's the most cutest thing. Brevy, knows too but Bones tells it better. LOL. We came home after a wonderful message and the kids got to play with their toys. I called my mom in NY to see what they were up to. She was in the kitchen cooking of course and the males were no where to be seen; Naughty that they are. We ate a wonderful meal that Charles, had prepared. Then, it was time to color Easter eggs. The kids had fun! Charles, feel asleep on the couch while we were busy at work at the dining room table. The kids were so excited to wake him up. We took them outside for a walk around the block and some outside play. Smokey (the neighbors cat) decided to show up and we fed him an Easter dinner. It was getting time for the kids to take a nap. They slept while Charles and I, watched the Ten Commandments (the new one.) It was good, but I only TiVo-ed the first part. UGH. LOL. I did it on both of the versions. So, we saw the first half anyway. It was time to wake up the kids so we could all eat our Easter dinner together. We had ham, mashed potatoes, and corn; something simple. After dinner Charles and Brevy, raced with the scooters up and down the side walk while Bones and I, made them signs that read, "slow 15 mph" and "20 mph." It was a beautiful day, not one cloud in the sky. We ended the night making Easter cookies. I ate like 20 tiny sugar cookies with a million cups of milk. It was good though. Hope you had a Blessed Easter!
She can be cute at times. That was one of them. lol. j/k.
Posted by
Hillary |
4/19/2006 10:33:00 AM
That's such a bad picture of me...I look so tired. lol. Sorry!
Posted by
Hillary |
4/19/2006 11:29:00 AM