A test!
What a night! Is God testing my patience? Is the Devil trying to break me? It's one or the other, I do believe. I think it's God testing me. I'm not sure if I passed or failed though. I was as polite as I could be. The call went great, we were laughing our butts off the whole time. Then, when it came time for payment...It was a whole other story. I think the conclusion that I've drawn up is she was just a lonely, old lady and wanted to talk to someone. Maybe that's what she needed. She made me go over it three times and I did with out a single reflect of annoyance in my voice. She made the supervisor do the same thing, only with pages and letters. I left there mad that I was an hour late. I came in early, to leave early. I had put in my time! I had done my part! Charles and I, were going to spend the night together, having *us* time. I drove home that night and talked to Charles about it. He explained that it's just one of God's tests. I do believe that's what it was, because after we hung up two people got in front of me. They were going like 20 mph, on a 40mph road. I dealt with it. I followed them all the way to the red light. One car went on a red, the car in front of me sat there. I honked and was thinking "go, you can turn on a red!" They went and got off the same road I was going on...They were going like 25 mph this time. I ended up passing them, but not all crazy. I just got in the other lane and drove the rest of the way in that lane and finally got in their lane. Was it a test? Probably. Did I fail? Probably! I'm working on my patience, I really am. I tried to shake the conversation off in my head after coming home. Charles, made me warm cookies and I drank milk. He was determined to have our night, even though it was midnight. Ouch. We did though. We watched some of Narnia, we're still trying to finish this movie. That was my night!
I love you!
Posted by
Hillary |
4/17/2006 10:50:00 AM