Late Night
Yesterday, we had our play group at the park again. I was meeting with the mom's at Bible Study class. We've planned it weeks ago. I was running late, because we got to bed so late the night before. It was really challenging scrambling around trying to get the kids fed and ready. Charles, had the morning off, but had to go to Jemez for a little while and also drop Aiy, off. She was going to watch the dances all morning. Charles, had a plan to get the brakes fixed on the car and went to do that while we were at the park. Everyone showed up late, including us (45 minutes. OOUCH!) The kids played together and had a lot of fun though. This time there were more kids there that Brevy knew and had a lot more fun. Him and Hunter were wrestling and throwing each other down on the ground. As me and the other mom watched them, we were so worried that would hurt each other. Boys will be boys! I can't believe how big these guys are getting. It's so crazy!!!! We left after almost 2 hours of being there. We decided to meet dad at the mall and grab some food to eat. We found out the car was going to take hours to complete and cost an arm and a leg. Oh great! So, we went home in the mini van and everyone took a nap, except me. I decided to up date my PC a little and upload pictures. When Charles, finally woke up we watched a little more of Narnia. It's a really good movie. I would like to finish it all, but I never have time. After the kids woke up we went to our first stop which was to pick up the girl's dresses at the dry cleaners. Then, to pick up the car and pay for it. OUCH! We left it in a popular parking lot and went all in the van to do a bunch of errands. First went to take the guys to get hair cuts. While we waited, we grabbed food at Wendys. Daddy, went first and got his hair cut really short. Brevy, was next and we got it cut SPIKEY! He looks cute. Then, it was off to Wal-Mart to go shopping for groceries. After about 30 minutes of standing in line, we were finally out of there; Total time, about 1 hour and 20 min. Then, we had to go pick up the car and drive home separately. UGH. The only problem with this is Charles, would be following me with his high beams on. HELLO!!! Can we say headache? Ugh. His regular lights were out and he didn't want to get stopped by a cop using his high beams. (which I didn't think a cop would pull you over because your using your high beams, but then again....What do I know?!) So, anyway that wasn't very fun to say the least. The kids still needed to eat dinner and take a bath. Ugh. I bathed the stinky, dirty, hairy (from the hair cut) kids while Charles, cooked. We ate tacos and ate a lot of them. LOL. We read a good night story and finally put them in bed at 11:00pm. That's so late! That's two nights in a row that they went to bed really late. Not good. So, even though Charles had the day off, I didn't see him much. Sucks. Oh well, maybe on Easter we'll get to see each other and spend some time together. Until then, it's work, work, work! :-P~ Did I mention that my allergies are in full bloom as well as all the flowers and trees around? Can we say, red and itchy eyes? ughhhhhhhhhhh.........
It's okay Daddy. I'm just saying is love you, too.
Posted by
Hillary |
4/17/2006 10:52:00 AM