Yesterday, we picked Aiy up from Vacation Bible School and we went swimming. Bones, got a new bathing suit. I accidentally told my mom how hideous her old one was and she called me back and insisted on buying her a new one. Really Mom, I said..."I have money to buy her one, but we don't swim that often." She didn't listen and bought her a new one anyway. So, we went to go show it off. This time it was me and three kids. I thought last time was hard. Ugh. It was fun and much hotter then last time we went. Charles, stopped by again to say,"hi" and brought 30 girls from Jemez following behind him on a bus. AH! So, with all of us, there's was close to 200 people swimming. Brevy, saw his cousins and insisted on chasing "Talley" around. That meant I needed to watch him and where he put his feet, because the bottom of the pool slopes down. Bones, went the other way to follow Aiy. Aiy, went to see which of her cousins where around that she could play with. We spent three whole hours there. I was ready to leave when Charles said, there's about 30 more girls coming. The kids had fun though and I guess I can't complain. Bones, gave us a scare though. She went down the slide by herself. I was putting Brevy on the edge to line up and she decided to go down by herself. Good thing Aiy, got her with some help of a stranger. No more slide for that lil miss. She's so naughty! Scared me to death. Good grief. I won't go there again without Charles. I need an extra pair of hands, these kids are nuts. Now we're a lovely shade of caramel and I think I've had enough sun. I'm off on Sunday and the kids want to go again (so much for the enough sun part!). It will be Charles' first attempt at getting in the water since his surgery (of course showers are ok). This should be fun. After we came home to rest for three hours...We were out of the house again. We met the family at LoneStar for Marisa's "good bye dinner." She was 30 minutes late, but we all talked and laughed until April, Charles, and G'ma started texting her to hurry up. It was a good time. She leaves Tuesday and we won't see her until Graduation. Charles, is having his one on one time with her Monday, which gives them a chance to talk. We have a pile of cards to give her and every time I see her, I forget them. Grrr...Everyone is growing up and moving on. April, is driving now and she's got her first job already. OH MY. It's crazy how time fly's. Vacation Bible Study is over until next year. Next year both of my little ones will be involved. Today they had a little performance. The kids and I, went to see Aiy and the group sing. It was really cute. They also had a play about Jesus. Next will be Brevy off to school...How I'll weep when Brevy, takes his first step into a real school. Goodness. Wouldn't it be nice to just freeze time for a bit?! I'm glad I was able to stay home with them when they were babies and watch them grow. :) Well, I'm exhausted (nothing new)! That's enough for now...
Amen. I had some help...:) I love you and I'm so sorry that you're in the heat all day and then having to go back there and do your normal work on top of that. It must be rewarding to watch the kids play and have fun though...all because of your program. :) Good work, Bebe. I love you. Come home and eat some good foos...I'm making your favorite. :) <3
Posted by
Hillary |
6/23/2006 04:38:00 PM
sounds like fun! i love swimming! I can't imagine having to watch the kids while swimming tho, that must be a huge job!
Posted by
J |
6/25/2006 12:58:00 PM
It IS! It's not even fun, because you're lugging them around the whole time. I like taking them, because THEY have fun, but it's a lot of work. I really need an extra pair of hands. We didn't go today (Sunday), because of the car...You'll read that in the newest post.
Posted by
Hillary |
6/25/2006 10:21:00 PM