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Tuesday, June 13, 2006 

Everything bad happens when I'm away...

The kids are on this kick where they complain when I have to go to work...Whether they mean it or not, they never want me to go. My son especially has been extremely trying at times. He never stays in his room at night time when Charles, is here taking care of them. He'll come out of his room on his "free potty pass" and take full advantage. When Mommy is home, this does not go on. He'll come out several times just because he thinks/knows he can. My things have come in jeopardy with his "free pass out." Mind you Charles, doesn't let him, he yells at him and makes him go lay back down. Last night I came home an hour early and found when I was pulling into the driveway Brevy's light was on. Charles, had a small car in his hand and met me at the door. I asked him what was going on and he held up the little car. I went up stairs and had a talk with Brevy. Maybe he wants attention. Maybe he wants me to stay home. I don't know, but I fought so hard when they were babies to lay them down awake so they fall asleep on their own. We've never had "night time problems," until now that I work nights. Charles, was in our room putting up a ceiling fan last night while the kids watched a movie. I'm assuming while he did this Brevy, went into the kitchen and broke off a piece of my plant. He knows how I fell about him touching my plants, yet he deliberately did it anyway. This morning when we woke up to go to Bible Study he looked right at my face and lied to me. He told me he didn't go in Bones' room and Bones told me he did. She doesn't lie and he went in time out early this morning. Then, after getting home from Walmart I found the plant he had broken off. It's always my things that are in jeopardy. Yesterday, I found little blue soap circles (that my mom got them for bath time) all in my garden tub and on the floor, like someone had dumped them out. I asked Brevy and before I could get the sentence out of my mouth...Bones told on him. What gives? So, last night I call myself playing it safe and I locked my bedroom door so he couldn't get into the master bath...Ugh! It's all this "little" stuff, but it's the lying and he's getting to the age to understand what happens when you lie. It's so not okay with me. Today, has been a great challenge, it's one thing after another. *sigh* Is this his way of crying out and letting me know he doesn't want me at work? Probably! He doesn't act like that when I'm home at night time. He goes to bed and doesn't come out, everything is fine. I've talked to him about why I have to work. It's still not getting through to him. He's gotten his trucks taken away, he's sat in time out. Ugh. *Shakes head* Something always happens to my stuff the next day. I've talked to Charles about it and I let him know that he needs to watch him better. He plays with them outside and that's great. It's a great way to get rid of that energy. But when he's up stairs working, he has no idea what the kids are doing down stairs. Ugh. It's Just frustrating is all and I needed to vent. I've already prayed about it...What more can I do!

Me either, but from talking to him tonight I know it's the attn thing. He gets tons of attention though...ugh. Maybe his personality was meant to be an only child. He's got to see that he isn't and there are others in the household that need attn too. I dunno. I just wish he'd stop trying to ruin everything of mine. Now he's after my computer...that's a no no...

Maybe it's a phase. I dunno, but it's really bothering me too.

Hopefully when he starts school he'll be so exhausted he'll just crash when he gets home and will be too tired to try anything else.

Love you.

Isn't that the truth. Yeah, I mean I've been doing this same stuff for almost 8 months and NOW it's effecting him...go figure. I dunno Jess...I think I should send them to your house for awhile. What do ya say???? :)

That IS a good idea...:) Let's do it!!!! :)

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  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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