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Yesterday, I worked the day shift and it was fun. They had contests and if you hit a certain amount you got a balloon...Let's just say I came home with a balloon. hehe. It was motivating. They don't do that for us night folks. The time went by so quickly, too. I'd rather work days, but there's no way that I could right now. Yesterday, was my make up day for taking off on Tuesday for Charles' surgery. He's doing good now. He's starting to bend his leg and he moves around a lot more. He drove today, too. I was so grateful, because I hate driving. :) The kids are more crazy than ever these days. I think it's the "daddy energy," which is the energy they have when he's home. It's weird. Brevy, is the worst. He's always showing off or doing something he shouldn't be. He's a little grandpa (my dad.) Ugh! They have a birthday party to go to tomorrow. It's Joshua's Birthday and they're invited. This week went by so quickly. I finally have time with Charles and it's already Friday. Where did time go? That's always the way...I work Memorial day, but we're going to have a cook out and enjoy our new back yard. What a week! Mom, keeps talking about us visiting, but I don't know if it will happen. I tell myself to think positive and good things will come. That's all the news I have. It's just been a busy week of running around and lots of house work. It's exhausting, because Charles is limited on the things he can do. I'll be glad when he's back to being better again. He did cook a mouth watering meal last night....SO GOOD! Thanks again, Babe. :)
Thanks Jess!!! :) He got his stitches out yesterday and is doing better. He's mobile now! YAY!!! :):)
Posted by
Hillary |
5/31/2006 10:04:00 AM
Yes, you do lead a wonderful life. Amen. Love you, too.
Posted by
Hillary |
6/03/2006 10:02:00 AM
Jess, is sweet! :)
Posted by
Hillary |
6/03/2006 10:02:00 AM