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We planted some plants outside. Charles, got me a 16 inch coco hanging basket and I just filled it with flowers; the kids helped too. They planted their own sunflower seeds as well and It was fun. The workers splashed some cement and dirt onto their slide so I was cleaning it off with the hose afterwards. Of course Brevy was standing next to it and I missed and I got his shorts all wet. I busted out laughing and said, "oops- sorry!" and then I just started chasing them with the hose. I know, I was wasting water, but I pay for it. LOL. It didn't last long, but it was fun. :) We even took Lillian outside with us. She kept crying at the door so we put her in her pet taxi and brought her outside, too. We're working on getting her a leash and a non-break away collar, this way she can play too. :)
No problem Colette...Bring it on. That's what I meant. I was even talking to Charles about a harness. I guess I wrote it wrong. Yeah, I've had cats all my life, too. Love em and can't get enough of them. Only, I wouldn't leave her out there by her self. I'd walk with her or take her to a park with grass. She'd prolly like that better. :)
Posted by
Hillary |
5/18/2006 08:37:00 AM
btw- it's going to be purple!!
Posted by
Hillary |
5/18/2006 08:45:00 AM