Fun day
Yesterday, was Aiyana's last day of basketball camp. She had a lot of fun and we stayed to watch her the entire time. They played knock out and Aiyana and one other girl were the smallest girls on their team so she came to play with the kids. They had fun in the middle of the court where no one was playing. Brevy, was dribbling the ball and he's getting good at it, too. Bones, was attempting to dribble and she got better while we were there. It was so funny watching them go up and down with the basketballs. They were cute! They kept running into each other and laughing. Aiy, kept stealing the ball from Bones and she laughed and laughed. Aiyana, decided that she wanted to stay with us for the rest of the day. We were going to have water play so she spent the entire day with us. We went to Joshua's house and played and played. Needless to say that they got us wet, too. It was a over cast day and not as hot as other days we've been having. It was fun, though. We even got some "rain" (okay like sprinkles) later on that evening, which was nice. I kept saying, "look there's 14 rain drops on the window." It was pretty exciting to see rain. LOL. We had movie night after daddy came home. We picked up a pizza and ate good. We figured out the last time we ordered was for Aiyana's bday in January. Wow...That's a long time to go with out any pizza hut. LOL. It was a good night. We waited, "Dumbo" together and then Aiy had to go home. We took a walk in the "rain" when he got home, it was very refreshing! :) Here's to a good day!!!
Sure did...Love you, too.
Posted by
Hillary |
6/13/2006 10:58:00 PM