Happy Father's Day, Baby
Father's Day was a great family day. Boy, we were LONG over due for a family day. Let me back up a bit and talk about Saturday after work. I got off about 11:20pm and wanted to head to walmart to pick up some last few Father's Day stuff. I came home a little after midnight and was exhausted. I put together Charles' present while he was sleeping. There was some Chili's restaurant food waiting for me on the counter. Boy, was I happy to see that, too. I ate and attempted to fall asleep. It was hot...And I probably didn't fall asleep until 2:30 am. We got up early on Father's day and I gathered the kids together so they could take in Charles' gift. I was cranky and tired and walking like I had a bunch to drink (mind you: I don't drink)...LOL....But I was walking like I had...Anyway, He opened everything and we had to rush to get ready for church. We picked Aiyana up and went to church. I had an idea to take the kids back to the pool, I figured that would be a fun Father's day thing to do. Charles, said he had one more week until he went in any kind of water with his post-surgery...So, we scratched that idea. We came home and Aiyana and I, attempted to make breakfast. Aiyana, dropped an eye on the floor and the eye white was dripping from her hand all over the floor. I got out the hash browns and Brevy and Bones, were misbehaving. I was trying to cook and deal with them at the same time and it was working. I was tired and also very cranky, I decided to go out to eat instead. We all jumped in the mini van and headed to Dion's for lunch instead. LOL. It was a lot easier to go then to cook. We had a yummy lunch of good hot pizza and then headed out for our surprise we had for the kids. We were going to take them to see "Cars" the movie. We headed to the mall only to find out that the 1pm showing was sold out ( I told Charles, we should have gotten tickets after church, but he insisted there'd be some...Right!) So, we got tickets for the 3pm showing instead. We walked around the mall and went to Old Navy and the kids got summer hats. We went to Build-a-Bear (now that we know it exists- Thanks Colette and Jen!) We went into Mervy's to see what kind of sandals they had for Brevy. Finally, it was time to go see the movie. It was hilarious! :) Another good movie...It had hidden jokes that only adults would understand and one or two words I didn't approve of (I think they said,"idiot") GRRR!!!! But it was okay. After the late movie we went to Walmart to buy some items for a BBQ. We got out of there and headed home. By then, I felt like a truck had hot me. It was 100 degrees outside, lack of sleep, nosey kids at me all day long with no nap....Ugh. I wanted to help Charles, usually he does all the outdoor cooking. So, I made the patties and tried to clean up the kitchen while he battled the heat outside. The door bell rang and it was Charles' Dad. He came over to eat with us. YAY! He sat with the kids while they were watching "Lady and the Tramp." I had the nerve to turn on the oven and make a Devil's food cake. We ate good though! :) After dinner the Brevy and Aiy, went outside and it was time for her to go home. Bones, forgot to go potty in the potty and I had that to deal with (you Mother's know what I mean....) while the guys played basketball outside. She needed a bath and I wasn't too happy with her. I did get some really cute pictures of Brevy and Charles, playing basketball though. Cuties. We did go to bed early, I think it was before 10pm. I was exhausted and had a headache. It was a really good day though. That was our Father's Day...Busy, Busy, Busy. It was packed with non stop activity. I was so glad to be at home and not at work. It was my first Sunday off in a long time. Thank you, Jesus! Happy Father's Day, Baby!!!!
Aiy dropped the eyes. lol. You're are too funny babe. Yeah, she made more mess than anything and I couldn't take the pressure. lol. Eating out was better.
Posted by
Hillary |
6/21/2006 10:13:00 AM