We were on our way to get Aiyana this morning and make our way to church, like we do every Sunday...When a little ways from our house the mini van just shut off. It slowed down as we went up a small hill and we turned off onto a near by side street. Only to find that our car would not start again. We were stranded! All the red lights on the dash came on and I knew that was a bad sign. I just drove it home from work the night before. Everything seemed fine in the dust storm that I had to go through just to get to work. What's wrong with it now? --I thought. Ugh! There's always something! We sat and thought of what to do being that it's a Sunday, everything is closed. We called Gpa, no answer. We called the insurance people...Didn't get very far. We called Bob and then G'pa again. We texted Risa, nothing. I called Aiy to let her know that we in fact wouldn't be on our way. Her mom called back and offered us a ride that we declined, because we thought Risa was on her way. We ended up waiting two and a half hours for her. Good thing it was a nice day with a breeze. We coped a squat under a tree in a parking lot and waited. What else were we supposed to do? We had no one else. We called Bob again and he would be coming down to bring Grandma's van for us to use, but not until later. April, was supposed to come to town, because they had plans to go to Marisa's party today. When Risa showed up we all piled into her tiny car and went home. I called Aiyana to let her know that she could home over because we finally got home. She showed up about 30 minutes later. Bob, came soon after that and brought us the white van. April and her mom followed. They left April with us and Virg left with April to get on with the rest of their day. I put the kids down for a nap and Charles, went to hunt for some car items in the black car. Aiy and I, were left only to stare at each other and talk about our awful morning. We were thankful that we had Risa to help us. She was/ is our savior. It's just the Devil's work, I told myself all morning. We all sat there waiting as patiently as we could. We had a little chair in the car and gave it to gma. The kids played in the rocks the whole time. It was a pretty exhausting morning. It was also the FIRST time that I had missed church since I started going there in October. I did however use the restroom at a near by church where we were stranded. They offered us to stay, but we thought we were going to get picked up right away. We explained the situation and thanked them anyway. We'll always have a home at church! I think it was a test of our patience, of our appreciation, of our strength. I do believe we passed this test! We'll be doing further work on the car tomorrow morning and getting it all sorted out. There isn't much that we could do with it today, everything is closed. Wish us luck.
Yeah. Amen to that. I love you more.
Posted by
Hillary |
6/28/2006 10:53:00 AM