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Thursday, November 30, 2006 

Cat-In-A-Box~Good Night!

Cat-In-A-Box~Good Night! Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

What a BABY!!!! LOL!

Wednesday, November 29, 2006 

Let It Snow

IT SNOWED THIS MORNING! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?!!!?!?!? SNOW!!! Look and see for yourself!

Monday, November 27, 2006 

My One Year...

Today marks one year that I have been Baptized. CAN I GET AN AMEN?!!??!!! :-)

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Great day!!

We took the kids to see Happy Feet yesterday. It's really good. There's lots of hidden messages about polution in the water and what it does to the fish and animals that live in the water. Also, about the humans and their fishing problems. It's a really good kid flick! :)Check out the trailor, it's cute. :)

Sunday, November 26, 2006 

An Inconvenient Truth

I don't recommend films that often to see, but this is a MUST SEE. You have to go out and rent this and watch it. It's HUGE! It's so important!


Christmas Tree is UP and beautiful!!!!

We put our Christmas tree up today. The kids actually did it all in like 10 minutes flat. We had Aiy's cousin over. She helped and with all the hands on the tree it wasn't long before it was completed. We were amazed at how quickly that went and how beautiful it looks. I'll have to upload pictures soon of that, too.

Friday, November 24, 2006 

Black Friday

Yes, we went out to battle the shoppers. Charles and I, wanted to be apart of the sales, too! We got up at 7am and were out the door by 8am with no real breakfast (except the kids). We had cappuccino and coffee and that's about it. Real rough on the bod, that's for sure. We split up. Charles, dropped Bones and I, at our favorite store and they did the manly thing at BB and CC. Whatever! The lines were really long, but surprisingly went really fast; so it wasn't too bad. Then, we hit up the mall together and tag teamed Old Navy. Let's just say I only have two more people on my list and I am done shopping. YAY! It was really fun though. Of course the kids didn't think so. We got home and my legs were killing me. Charles, made his famous home made biscuits with eggs and beacon. We all ate good and went to sleep. LOL. Just waking up now and we have to head to Wal-Mart. We practically live at Wal-Mart so that's no big deal. I have to work tonight and still feel sick. I barely have a voice which will make working tonight interesting. I have pictures from Thanksgiving so stay tuned if you want to see them. :)

Wednesday, November 22, 2006 

To: Everyone~ HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!!!

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myspace layouts, myspace codes, glitter graphics p.s. Nope, still not feeling good. :-(

Tuesday, November 21, 2006 

This is me today...



Monday, November 20, 2006 

Vacation is OVER! :-P~

We're back from beautiful Lake, Las Vegas. We stayed at The Ritz . It was REALLY NICE!!! We got to stay at club level, eat whatever in sight and not have to pay for the food or drinks. Man, now that's living! Charles and I, want to go back in the summer and "play" instead of work. None of us wanted to leave that place. It's amazing. I got sick on the last day and it sucked. I had some kind of stomach flu that only lasted 24 hours- thank God. I couldn't take much more of that. Other than that, I was good. We went out to House of Blues and I think I ate something bad there. We went to see Louie Louie put on his show. It was pretty good. I wanted to go to the spa and relax and that's when I got sick. We did go to the Shark Reef and we even got to touch the Sting Ray. I know...why in the world would I want to do that? Well, because it was safe. They had their barbs cut off and when in the world would we get to do that again? So, the kids and I, did it. It was fun! Enjoy the pictures. I have a lot more where that came from. :)


Sunset~Vegas, NV1

Sunset~Vegas, NV1 Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

This was our hotel at sundown. Isn't it beautiful? Oh, it was so pretty!!! I love the reflection in the water. :-)

Sunday, November 19, 2006 

Lion Fish

We also saw this guy at the Shark Reef. I love these guys. They're really poisonous, but pretty!


Sword Fish

We went to Mandalay Bay to the Shark Reef. We spent close to three hours walking around looking at the beautiful shark and other fish. We had a really great time! http://www.mandalaybay.com/entertainment/shark_reef.aspx


~ YUM! ~

This was my lunch! Yummy!!!


Can you say, "Yummy!?"

This was SO good. We got all the food we wanted all FREE!!! YES, FREE! Charles and I, loved this. It was our favorite!

Saturday, November 11, 2006 

Can't sleep

I was supposed to work until Midnight tonight, but it was so slow at work that they gave us the option to VTO early. I was out of there before 7pm. My AOS was high and I took advantage and went home to an empty house. Bones was still in Jemez. She slept over her grandma's house for the very first time. She's never been away from home. Even though she gives me a hard time, I missed her a lot. Brevy was with dad. They went to a football game. So, that left me to an empty house. It was kind of nice, because I had a headache and needed some time to rest and eat dinner. I thought I was going to relax, but Toby and Lillian were awful. Lillian, kept trying to dump my plant tjat sits in a vase low on the floor. She thinks it's her fountain to drink from. Toby, kept jumping on the table and between the two of them I, was exhausted. Charles picked up Aamya and came home shortly after I got home. I missed her. She was so excited to sleep over there and you could hear it in her voice. She got spoiled of course and came home with a huge tiger and all sorts of smaller toys. Not to mention she went to bed really late and didn't take a nap today. Ugh! I train the kids so well and in one night it all gets erased. Anyway, we have a busy week coming up. I'm excited about Vegas. I think that's why I can't sleep tonight. I keep thinking about it like I'm two or something. lol. Plus, I'm getting my hair done. I haven't done anything with it since my wedding day. Sad, huh?? I was telling my mom if I was in NY I'd be getting it done more often, go figure. Anyway, tomorrow is the Jemez feast and we're going in the morning. We usually go to church, but our Pastor isn't going to be there. He's on vacation. He deserves it and we're going to go to the feast tomorrow. I have so much to get done before Vegas and I work Monday, too. That's going to make it hard to get everything done. There's always something. Ugh! I thought with Christmas right around the corner, lots of people would be calling in to buy stuff at work today. Nope, we have nothing but procrastinators out there waiting to the last minute to shop. It's okay. It's Babylon at it's finest and I really could care less about it. I'm doing all I can at that place and can't wait to find something else more meaningful. Anyway, we're not going to go there. I can't sleep also because I took two Migraine medicines that have caffeine in them and I'm tossing and turning and just antsy. It's been cold in NM lately. It's like NY, but worse. Even my mom said it was in the 60's there today. It's just windy and cold here. I think I have an ear ache because of the chilliness. Charles, keeps yelling at me to put cotton in my ears and I keep telling him how silly that would make me feel. Terrible, huh? I know! Anyway, I should end here. At least I updated, right? Have a good night and sleep tight.

Thursday, November 09, 2006 

Wal-Mart isn't afraid to say, "Merry Christmas!"

Wal-Mart: We're not afraid to say Merry Christmas No. 1 retailer has decided to abandon its generic 'Happy Holidays' greeting in favor of 'Merry Christmas.' November 9 2006: 12:19 PM EST NEW YORK (CNNMoney) -- Wal-Mart has told its employees that it's OK to once again greet shoppers by saying "Merry Christmas" this holiday season instead of the generic "Happy Holidays." CNN confirmed that Wal-Mart will announce Thursday that it plans to use the phrase "Merry Christmas" in products and around its stores this holiday season. The announcement comes a year after religious groups such as The American Family Association and The Catholic League boycotted retailers including Wal-Mart last holiday season for excluding the word "Christmas" from products sold in stores. "We, quite frankly, have learned a lesson from last year," Wal-Mart spokeswoman Linda Blakley told USA Today in a separate report. "We're not afraid to use the term 'Merry Christmas.' We'll use it early, and we'll use it often." Besides resurrecting its Christmas pitch, the retailer is also determined to be the leader in this year's holiday price wars. The November-December holiday shopping period is a critical time for merchants since it can account for as much as 50 percent of their profits and sales. To that end, Wal-Mart was the first out of the gate to chop prices on toys and electronics much ahead of its competitors like Target (Charts), Toys 'R Us, Costco (Charts) and others. To support its Christmas deals, the report said Wal-Mart will launch TV ads next week that trumpet "Christmas." It's changing the name of its seasonal decorations department to "The Christmas Shop" from "The Holiday Shop." Moreover, Wal-Mart stores will play Christmas carols throughout the holiday period and about 60 percent more merchandise will be labeled as "Christmas" rather than "holiday" items, the paper said.


Having fun with old friends

This morning I got a call from my bro Chris. I miss this dude a lot. Chris and Angelica, are still together after all these years and are getting married in the spring time. I can't wait to see them, but for now we're having fun catching up on lost time. I don't remember how we really fell out of contact, but it happened. We talked for awhile and caught up on old stuff and new stuff. :) Then, when I logged on today to Myspace, I had a new message from Sarah, another old friend from NY. Man, it's been years and I'm really loving how that website can keep us all in touch. I'm just excited and happy and wanted to share! :) <3

Wednesday, November 08, 2006 

Tummy Bug!!!!

This morning was like any other morning. I woke up unwillingly and went in Brevy's room to wake him up. Not having my contacts in I, shut off his classical music that he falls asleep to and I went down stairs to let the cats out. I was searching for one of the cordless phones, because I had no idea where my cell was. I pick up the phone to call Charles and like every other day, I am cranky...I mumbled, "I love you and I'm up!" And no sooner do I hang up, I see Brevy standing there. He mumbled something and I asked, "what's wrong?" He said his tummy hurt and he felt like he was going to throw up. I told him to run to the bathroom! Next thing I hear is, SPLAT! Ugh...I thought. I ran to see if he was okay. He missed the toilet and I needed to get in some contacts so I could see what was going on. Poor thing was sick. I felt his head and he wasn't warm at all. Hm? We carried on with our morning and he seemed to be feeling much better after that. I continued making his lunch for the day and watched him closely. I asked if he felt alright and if he wanted to stay home for the day. He declined and looked great. He went upstairs and instantly felt sick again. I called the school and let them know he wasn't going to be in today. He looked in pain and you could read it all over his face. I then too started to feel stomach pains. I thought..."This is weird, I felt fine a minute ago." I tried to ignore it and tend to him. He seemed okay, but I wasn't. "What in the world is going on? Am I feeling your pain...?" I asked Brevy. He seemed to smile and think it was pretty cool. I also let him know that I thought we were 'wired together'. He liked that idea even more. At the moment, I didn't though. So we sat and watched, Cars. Charles, left work for a bit and brought us some groceries and 'sick items'. Thanks Babe! You're great! :) Brevy, felt better as the movie ended so I told him we'd go upstairs and brush his teeth. No sooner does he get upstairs and he feels sick again. I started to wonder, 'is he just playing sick?' I saw the look on his face and knew better though. Strange. What's going on with upstairs? Every time he goes upstairs he feels worse. Hmm...So, by then Charles was home and we opened his windows in his room to get some fresh air up there. (I just did that yesterday though). Weird, I thought. We had Oust to spray to get rid of any bacteria in the air. *shakes head* I don't know what's going on, but he seemed to get worse upstairs. We stayed downstairs glued to the couch laying on a pillow for his tummy. Poor thing! Tummy bug is going around. Aiyana had it just not too long ago. He could of got it from her. Charles, took them to the Museum of Natural History yesterday and one of the little boys there had a tummy ache, too. Germs spread so quickly, I do believe! He could have gotten it there. Anyhow, he's napping now. Let's hope he feels better soon. I think I have an ear ache. Are we falling apart or what?


Toby's mosaic

Toby's mosaic Originally uploaded by Hsandia34.

This is special Toby. :) Enjoy! =^-^=

Monday, November 06, 2006 

I'm posting!!!

YAY!!! It's been forever! I'm hooked on this MamaMelon is what it is. I really didn't want an account, because I didn't think it was for me. Now that I am able to stay in contact with all my friends from NY, I'm loving it. :) So, yeah...That's what I've been up to.

We're going to VEGAS soon and I can't wait. It's a much needed vacation. YAY!!!! It's been forever since we've been there and I'm really looking forward to getting out of NM and seeing something different for a change. I'm also planning on going to NY in March. Chris and Angelica (NY friends), are getting married and I really want to be there. Charles says, " you're going by yourself!" and I said, "THAT'S FINE!" - with a big huge smile. LOL. Then, he said he'd send Brevy with me so I can't get into any 'trouble'. I told him he'll have both kids. :) hehe. No, we're all going whether he likes it or not. So there! LOL. Since when doesn't he want to go to NY? Yeah, right. Anyway, we will all be going to NY in March and it works out pretty nicely, because my mom's bday is in March and we'll get to visit them of course. I'm excited and I can't wait. All things do work out! :)

It's a Monday today. I think I am definitely having a Monday. It was hard getting up this morning and I had to of course get Brevy up for school. I'm so not a morning person. I'm working extra hours this week on Friday. It should be a busy week, but just the same ole stuff.

Brevy, is going on a field trip tomorrow and he's excited. :) Dad's taking him so I don't miss out on another day of Bible Study. I had perfect attendance until I took him to the pumpkin patch on his other field trip. I didn't want to miss out on that one, but at the same time I don't want to miss out on class either. It's hard making up the work and missing the video. I wish the school would have it on another day. Grrr....Well, it's good for Charles to get in on the fun, too. Right babe?! Anyway, I should be cleaning house instead of being on here. I have got to finish taking down all the Halloween decorations...It's bad, there's so much to do! So, that's it for now. Enjoy your day. ~*~*

About me

  • I'm Hillary
  • From NY living in New Mexico, United States
  • I'm a Christian bride and blessed mom of two beautiful children. I got married to the love of my life on August 11th. We've been together for over 9 years. I was born and raised in NY and I miss my home. I love the sound of rain.:) I hate the smell of butter cooking.:-P I adore all types of animals. I have 2 cats that I love very much. I wish I could have more animals, but this is good for now. We also feed the birds outside and I have a squirrel that comes, too! We have to feed God's creatures! Everyone needs LOVE and food. :)
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