Tummy Bug!!!!
This morning was like any other morning. I woke up unwillingly and went in Brevy's room to wake him up. Not having my contacts in I, shut off his classical music that he falls asleep to and I went down stairs to let the cats out. I was searching for one of the cordless phones, because I had no idea where my cell was. I pick up the phone to call Charles and like every other day, I am cranky...I mumbled, "I love you and I'm up!" And no sooner do I hang up, I see Brevy standing there. He mumbled something and I asked, "what's wrong?" He said his tummy hurt and he felt like he was going to throw up. I told him to run to the bathroom! Next thing I hear is, SPLAT! Ugh...I thought. I ran to see if he was okay. He missed the toilet and I needed to get in some contacts so I could see what was going on. Poor thing was sick. I felt his head and he wasn't warm at all. Hm? We carried on with our morning and he seemed to be feeling much better after that. I continued making his lunch for the day and watched him closely. I asked if he felt alright and if he wanted to stay home for the day. He declined and looked great. He went upstairs and instantly felt sick again. I called the school and let them know he wasn't going to be in today. He looked in pain and you could read it all over his face. I then too started to feel stomach pains. I thought..."This is weird, I felt fine a minute ago." I tried to ignore it and tend to him. He seemed okay, but I wasn't. "What in the world is going on? Am I feeling your pain...?" I asked Brevy. He seemed to smile and think it was pretty cool. I also let him know that I thought we were 'wired together'. He liked that idea even more. At the moment, I didn't though. So we sat and watched, Cars. Charles, left work for a bit and brought us some groceries and 'sick items'. Thanks Babe! You're great! :) Brevy, felt better as the movie ended so I told him we'd go upstairs and brush his teeth. No sooner does he get upstairs and he feels sick again. I started to wonder, 'is he just playing sick?' I saw the look on his face and knew better though. Strange. What's going on with upstairs? Every time he goes upstairs he feels worse. Hmm...So, by then Charles was home and we opened his windows in his room to get some fresh air up there. (I just did that yesterday though). Weird, I thought. We had Oust to spray to get rid of any bacteria in the air. *shakes head* I don't know what's going on, but he seemed to get worse upstairs. We stayed downstairs glued to the couch laying on a pillow for his tummy. Poor thing! Tummy bug is going around. Aiyana had it just not too long ago. He could of got it from her. Charles, took them to the Museum of Natural History yesterday and one of the little boys there had a tummy ache, too. Germs spread so quickly, I do believe! He could have gotten it there. Anyhow, he's napping now. Let's hope he feels better soon. I think I have an ear ache. Are we falling apart or what?
lol- well, it feels like it. Yeah, I guess you're right. Thanks pa. You're the best!!! :) Love you, too.
Posted by
Hillary |
11/09/2006 02:07:00 PM