Charles' Welcome Home
YAY! Although I didn't show it, because I was asleep when he got home. We talked while I was at work last night and he let me know that his flight was delayed. We would have been at home at the same time if not for this...So, he didn't know how long and just sat and read a paper. When I got out of work I left him a message. When I got in the house I was not happy with what I saw. Immediately I saw that one of the blinds in the living room was broken. Yes, broken. They made me REALLY upset. I saw cars under neath the dish washer. All the Christmas lights were still on. I go into Brevy's room really quietly because everyone is sleeping. I turn on his light and his room is a mess (a no, no!) Toby comes flying out of his room (another no, no- no and they know that!) I woke him up and made him clean his room. I threatened to do this before, if I came home with his room a mess. It took us 30 minutes days ago to get his room into shape. I told him to keep it that way. So, I didn't care. I woke him up and he cleaned it. I asked him about the blinds, because I knew he did it. He told me he bent it backwards and it broke. Since he was half asleep I decided to deal with the blinds in the morning. I go into Bones' room to check on her...all is well. I go to walk into my room and my door is locked (something I do when Charles' mom watches the kids, because Brevy likes to go in there). So, I figured one of them locked it, because I didn't. So, I'm looking for the key and nothing. I go back down stairs to get a key and finally open my door. My light is on and Lillian comes Flying out of my room. This also had my blood boiling. So, I'm not happy at this point and I text Charles all of what was going on. He calls about 15 minutes later and I asked him if he got the text. He says," no -not yet!" So, I started to tell him what I saw when I got home. He couldn't hear me too good and I told him to read it and call me back. I couldn't very well scream what when on. His mom was in the next room sleeping. So, I turn on the TV and I sit and think about what Brevin's punishment will be for breaking the blinds...He calls and tells me he read it and wasn't happy about it either. He wouldn't be home for another hour and it was already after midnight. I couldn't stay awake any more and went to bed. I heard him come in the room and didn't really have much enthusiasm. I was tired and half asleep. I just wanted to rest. So, everything was great...I was sleeping good...then, all of a sudden I hear all this commotion. I jump out of bed and fly out of the room. I scared Charles to death by the way. I go into the bathroom to find Brevy and Gma. Brevy was throwing up. Okay, Brevy NEVER throws up...the last time he did was when he had the stomach flu and that was the very fist time ever. So, this was odd and strange. I didn't have my contacts and couldn't see what was going on...which was probably a good thing. Charles, was right behind me and he grabbed cloths and what not to clean it up. We were asking Brevy what in the world happened?? Why was he throwing up. He didn't have a fever and he told us he ate too much. *shakes head* Gma also confirmed that he was snacking ALL night. UGH! So, we put him back to bed after it was said and done. We went back to sleep. This morning Charles, told me that he talked to his mom and asked what had happened with the blinds. She told him that the minute Brevy heard me leave and the garage door was down he started to act up. He took a piece of cardboard and threw it at the window thus breaking the blinds. Gma said she told Brevin, " You almost broke the window!!!" and his response was, "I don't care! I don't care!" Once I heard this I told Charles I'd ask Brevy again to see what he'd tell me. So, I did so. We went downstairs and as he looked at the damage he had done he told me what he did. He told me the truth. I decided his punishment would be to earn the money to pay for it and to also make gma a "sorry" card for giving her such a hard time. By the way the cars I found all over the house went in the garbage. These kids know the house rules. They have a huge loft to play in upstairs. They know to have their rooms cleaned before going to bed and no toys down stairs. I've said it and said it and he watched as I threw his small cars in the trash. He's so hyper with his Gma around. Also, gma won't be watching them again by herself anymore. If something were to come up I have another person in mind for, she owes me. So, I'm just shocked at how behaved. I knew he was going to be naughty, but not almost break a window. He's got a chart of chores to do and each one has a different dollar amount. Once he completes the task the money will go into a jar for the broken blinds. You moms out there know how hard it is. What in the world?? Ugh. He's getting to the age where he needs repercussions for his actions that are age appropriate. I think this is! Wish me luck. I'll be praying for patience with this and with him. What a "welcome home" Charles got! He's working in the morning and I work from afternoon to midnight. I won't be seeing much of him today either. Challenging? Yes! Tomorrow, I am happy to say I didn't get added hours and will have a much needed family day.
Yes Sir. I do believe I was. So far, so good. I know since school is out it will be a lot easier now. We can pound in the rules we had and reinforce them as well. LOVE YOU. Glad your home and I don't have to worry as much.
*p.s. You know you're not traveling w/o us anymore, right? Hahahaha.....Sorry....
Posted by
Hillary |
12/18/2006 10:15:00 AM