Church & other stuff...
Great day outside! Went to church-Kids did an amazingly wonderful job. Trick was? A "frize"- as Brevy calls it...And it worked beautifully! Thanks Brevy! After church we were off to do our other bridal registry. We're all finished 'shopping.' It was fun! Not that anyone will probably look at it (i.e. aunts, uncles, mom and dad,) But we got it done and it was a blast! 4pm came and we got some rain...Nothing close to yesterday though..Scary tornado stuff! Called my mom and told her about the tornado warning. I think I freaked her out, too. I didn't sleep well at all last night. Sucks! I could have used a nap today, but I stayed up watching some old movie with Wesley Snipes starring. It was a good movie- So, I guess it was worth it. Now it's time to get the kids up. They need some outside fun. They've been taking late afternoon naps...It's going to be hard for me come Monday, to get them to go to sleep at noon again....Grrr...Not looking forward to that. We got a lot of important things done this weekend though so it's okay. We didn't have Aiyana today, because she wanted to go to her cousins party. I'm sure she had a blast! As for us...We had a fun weekend, too. Lots went on...I got to wear my summer clothes- So that's a definite plus. Anything with flip flops always works with me. Lots of appointments this week- all dental...Oh joy! The only good thing about that is Charles, comes home early, and that's always a plus! :-)
Yes, I am late to post. sorry. I love you. Yes, we had a very good weekend, lots accomplished. love you
Posted by
Anonymous |
4/18/2005 03:12:00 PM
Jesse- I know...I hate it....
Posted by
Hillary |
4/18/2005 03:14:00 PM
You're always late to comment baby-nothing new there. But I still love ya.
Posted by
Hillary |
4/18/2005 03:15:00 PM